Public Group active 7 months ago

Computing Integrated Teacher Education (CITE) @ CUNY

Computing Integrated Teacher Education is a four-year initiative to support CUNY faculty at all ranks to integrate state standards aligned computing content and pedagogy into required education courses, field work and student teaching. Supported by public funding from the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) Computer Science for All (CS4All) program and private funding from the Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund, the initiative will focus on building on and complementing the success of NYCDOE CS4All and pilots to integrate computational thinking at Queens College, Hunter College and Hostos Community College.

The initiative focuses on:
– Supporting institutional change in teacher education programs
– Building faculty computing pedagogical content knowledge through the lens of culturally response-sustaining education
– Supporting faculty research in equitable computing education, inclusive STEM pedagogies, and effects on their students’ instructional practices

Module 3 — Medgar Evers College

  • Background

    • The design process is at the center of our work together this summer.


    • We invite you to visually represent or model your own design process using some digital tool.
    • You can capture how you design or make anything — whether it’s related to your work as a teacher educator or not.
    • You can share your typical design process, or create a vision for a more idealized or aspirational design process.
    • We think doing this will help you learn a new digital tool, and to help you think intentionally about your design process in advance of our work together this summer.

    To complete this task:

    To visualize your design process, select and use a digital tool  – preferably one that’s new to you or that you want more practice with. You can use one of the ones we recommend below, or locate your own.

    NOTE: Some of these require you to create accounts. If you’d like, take a look at the privacy policies of these tools to see if the benefits of signing up would outweigh the risks for you.


    • Consult any online tutorials the tool may have on their site
    • Try sketching something on paper first, or do some free-writing to generate ideas about how you generally go about design!
    • Make multiple “rapid prototype” iterations until something feels right.
    • If you’re stuck on something, we encourage you to troubleshoot. Google around, use your colleagues as resources, or go to our help sessions on Mondays!

    To Share:

    • Reply to this thread.
    • Add a brief reflection:
      • Share something new you learned about the tool you used.
      • Did you look at the privacy policy? Did anything stand out there?
      • Share any limitations of the tool that you used that you discovered.
    • You can share your work as a link, or an attachment to this discussion thread
    • If you’d like to embed an image in your post, you’ll have to upload it somewhere first (for example at imgur). Then use the image icon in the discussion forum to link to it.
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  • I believe this was a great experience for me because i did not know about most of those digital tools that can help to design and interact with the whiteboard. I think Jamboard makes sharing ideas easy and fun. it seems to me a great digital tool to do brainstorming with others. I learn  Jamboard helps gathering ideas, drawing lines to connect important ideas. I also learn with Jamboard i can draw with a stylus but erase with my finger just like a whiteboard. Jamboard allows to drag around or resize anything that we add to. However, some problems i encounter while i was trying different things are something like it is not easy to add music or videos after that i think i will start using it to my education class next semester.

    In fact, i did not get a chance to check out the privacy policy for most of them.

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    This was my first time using Canva. I enjoyed working with this tool as it allowed me to use images both from the tool and also google clipart. Something new I learned while using Canva was navigating the more button (…) for each individual image. This gave me the opportunity to center my images or even lock the background. I also learned how to import specific apps from the apps store onto my home page. I did not get the chance to explore Canva as much as I wanted, but for now I would say my major limitation was not being able to use some images due to the required 30-day trial sign-up.

    I read each summary for the privacy policy but paid special attention to numbers 8 and 9. Canva makes it clear that they will retain profile information and User Content for a commercially reasonable time. As an educator, number 9 is extremely important. Canva specifies who they consider a child (anyone under the age of 13) and informs us that children are not permitted to sign up by themselves unless they are supervised by teachers.

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    I enjoyed exploring the different tools that are new to me for this activity. At first, I started tinkering with Loopy but didn’t like that I was not able to add pictures to my design.

    I think Padlet will be my new “go to” design tool. I really like that you can add videos, audio, link documents and even Gifs to your design. I used the canvas design because I was able to connect the steps in my design process (this is what I liked about Loopy) as well as add Gifs, and pictures to make the design more interactive and visual. I liked that I was able to drag the different slides around and create my unique layout and not be confined to a fixed format.

    In terms of its privacy policy, the fact that only registered Padlet users can view content is plus for this tool. The users also has the ability to manage how  much or little of their content other users can view. Users also can manage how others can interact with their content within the tool.

    At first, I did quite a bit of tinkering on the app then resorted to YouTube to figure out how to get started with creating my first padlet. However, once I figured out the functions of the different tabs, putting my design together was fun and easy.

    Here is the link to the Padlet of my design process:

    Good morning,

    I decided to use Padlet. I found a resource on YouTube to learn how to use it. Fundamentally it is a series of posts. I like that you can pull in different types of content (files, web, etc.)

    Here is my design plan.  I also like that you can generate QR codes for opening content across devices.

    I use my rule regarding privacy: “Don’t put anything in the digital world that will embarrass my mother.”

    Good Morning,

    I used powerpoint because it is simple and not intimidating. Also, they have designs via prompts ready to assist in the delivery of your presentation.

    Students understand this easily and it makes planning painless.

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