Computing Integrated Teacher Education (CITE) @ CUNY

Public Group active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Computing Integrated Teacher Education (CITE) @ CUNY

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Module 3 – BMCC

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  • #140379

    That’s a great point, Jen. Often we can better make meaning of data when we understand the story behind it. Here is a great piece by data artist Jer Thorp on that point.

    That said, all of us are asked to make sense of datasets that are given to us, especially in professional or research settings. The data dictionary gives you a little bit about where the artifact data came from and what its supposed to represent. I wonder what your exploration around yours questions re this reflection were: “created a pivot table that list the college, “count of artifact name” and “Count of student observation”. It looks great but I am unclear as to what the data means.”

    Did you reference the data dictionary? Did you ask other questions of the data and use the pivot table to sensemake?




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    Jillian Crosby

    Hi Vee,

    I love this! It is simple and straightforward.  Did you use Canva to make this infographic?

    Jillian Crosby

    +WOW! I felt like a fish out of water trying to navigate the Pivot Table in Excel. After tinkering a bit, I realized how useful this can be.
    +It is scary to think about the amount of access these companies/apps have to your personal information and their ability to use this information however they see fit. The consumer has some control over the privacy setting within Microsoft and Google programs, but it doesn’t seem this is the case for all digital tools. Interestingly enough, Loopy does not have a privacy policy. What does this mean for the content added to this site? Where is it stored? Is it automatically deleted within a pre determined time frame? I have so many questions!



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    So creative!


    I love this format– I would have never thought to make a booklet.


    Loopy most closely matches my way of thinking, especially when I’m working with a novel idea. Thanks for showing it!


    Thanks for showing your process- it’s reminded me that I want to improve my ability to make info graphics. They communicate so effectively!


    I love how your design process reflects your creativity!


    I’ve used Padlet quite a bit, but I have never used it like this! Very inspiring. I like the clarity and reflection of a process.


    Being a little behind, I had the chance to look at the ways that all of you were able to show your process. For me, Loopy made it possible for me to show my process in all its messiness. I’ve come to realize that I need a lot of time for introspection (blue) and that I need two kinds of activity (green) to fuel my work walking and researching. You will see in the middle that there is a circulation between the two areas before I “get to work.”  Then, I work with the idea, reflect, and go back and revise and develop as needed. In the past, I would resist the time spent on what I believed to be “off task,”  but I’ve realized that when I honor my process and my ways of knowing, I work much more efficiently and effectively.


    I think Ruth used Issuu. I checked it out. It’s surprisingly easy to creat a flip book from a pdf file. I was thinking about turning some of my ECE 211 PowerPoints into flip books  they are so fun!


    This is great, Vee. It’s simple, clear, and I love that you included the avatar of yourself in the design.


    I loved this activity. Anything that allows me to create, stimulates my work in the classroom.

    Take a look.


    Hi all, I came across a meme related to this topic that was too good not to share. I wasn’t able to attach it the first time but I’m trying again now that I made the file size smaller. Related question: Does anyone know how to insert a JPG from your computer into a thread here with the “Insert/Edit Image” button at the top, rather than the Upload Attachments box below?? Thanks in advance! Kirsten

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