Public Group active 7 months ago

Computing Integrated Teacher Education (CITE) @ CUNY

Computing Integrated Teacher Education is a four-year initiative to support CUNY faculty at all ranks to integrate state standards aligned computing content and pedagogy into required education courses, field work and student teaching. Supported by public funding from the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) Computer Science for All (CS4All) program and private funding from the Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund, the initiative will focus on building on and complementing the success of NYCDOE CS4All and pilots to integrate computational thinking at Queens College, Hunter College and Hostos Community College.

The initiative focuses on:
– Supporting institutional change in teacher education programs
– Building faculty computing pedagogical content knowledge through the lens of culturally response-sustaining education
– Supporting faculty research in equitable computing education, inclusive STEM pedagogies, and effects on their students’ instructional practices

Module 0 – Brooklyn College

  • Welcome to the discussion forum!

    Reply to this message with:

    • Your name, college, role(s), and the pronouns you use
    • Your thoughts about the Commons or any of the tools that you read about or played with in the module.
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  • Hello! My name is Michelle Ortiz (she/her) and I am an adjunct at Brooklyn College in the Childhood Bilingual Special Education Department. I teach a literacy course and I also supervise student teachers. I just joined the Commons, so I am just learning how to navigate it. However, I am excited to explore this platform and learn about some of the tools mentioned in the module. I look forward to figuring out how everything works and meeting my team from Brooklyn College!

    Hi!  My name is Cristina Montagna and I am an adjunct assistant professor in the department of Childhood, Bilingual, and Special Education (CBSE), at Brooklyn College.  The Commons is a great way to build a professional online presence and collaborate with other CUNY members/groups.  I look forward to maximizing the use of this platform, as well as the other digital tools (e.g., Padlet, Flipgrid, and Scratch) we will be using during this collaborative summer of learning!

    Hi Everyone, my name is Saleemah. I’m a Brooklyn College alum and currently a new adjunct professor. In addition to being a new adjunct professor, I’m a new mom and high school science educator. The most challenging role is MOM (smile).

    Card 28 “…it is important for teachers to learn to use the tools that will help them effectively meet the needs of students with disabilities (e.g assistive technologies).”

    Card 44 “…practices like computational modeling and simulation can help teachers and students understand phenomena and conduct inquiries in subjects like science and social studies.”

    Card 19 “…it will help teacher candidates and their students engage in design thinking and user-centered design identifying problems and then prototyping, testing and iterating on solutions.”

    Card 9 “…it can help change the status quo, where our technology is largely designed by economically, racially and socially privileged groups, and their biases and blink spots get embedded in our tech.”

    Card 18 “…teachers and their students should be able to use computing as a creative outlet and a tool for digital storytelling, expression, identity development, art.

    I believe these cards encompassed a little piece of my why for exploring CITE.

    To me Card 18 reminds me of Instagram. Individuals use social media sites like Instagram to create a story of their life or the life they want to have. We can discuss later the effects social media has on adults and teens but it is a tool to help individuals become “creative”.

    I actually completed the card “game” during parent teacher conferences. I started with the original rules but colleagues started to read the cards and rearrange them the way they wanted to. After round 3 or 4 I had to tinker the rules a little. I always maintained 5 cards in my hand but after round 5
    I started to let more than 1 card go into the “do not want” pile. I only tinker to reduce the time of the entire activity.

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Veronica Paredes (she/hers). I am an adjunct in the department of Childhood, Bilingual, and Special Education (CBSE) and also teach under the Children and Youth Studies  cert. program in Brooklyn College. Prior to that, I was a Special Ed. high school teacher for six years, and currently pursuing my PhD in Urban Ed. through CUNY. I enjoy hiking, warm weather, dancing and talking about food. Excited to get to know everyone!

    I’ve used the commons site as a student before but mostly to post on forums, so I’m looking forward to learning more about all the other site-building tools mentioned to create/update my commons profile and house/display CITE work.

    Hello all,

    I am an adjunct in the Secondary Education department. I worked for ten years in the DOE as a teacher of ELA. I enjoy working with people who are excited to get into the profession.

    I have never used these commons before. I like that they are called the commons because it reminds me of the Harvard Commons. Brooklyn College seems to always be connected to Harvard. I look forward to learning more about these virtual spaces and how to bring them into the classroom.

    Hi All! My name is Jerusha Ahong (she/hers). I am an adjunct at a Brooklyn College and I teach Natural Science for Early Childhood and Childhood Education. I also do curriculum /instructional science and SEL (social emotional leaning) planning with the DOE. While I’m not working, I’m busy being a mama with two little ones.

    I’ve been an educator for 12 years and have worn many different hats in the education field. To me, an educator is truly an encompassing experience. The inquiry work that I teach my students in the classroom, I also practice in my own my home with my own kids. I am truly passionate about how we can teach all students to see science in every day life.

    I am new to using Commons. I’ve always wanted a comprehensive space for my work, so this is perfect. I’m excited to see all it has to offer. I also value collaborating with others, so I look forward to getting to know you and learning from you all throughout the summer.

    Sorry for my post being so long but I swear the prompt was different when I initially posted LOL

    Hello! My name is Yoon Joo Lee (she/her) and I am a full time faculty in the Childhood Bilingual Special Education Department. I teach courses in Graduate Special Education Program. I just joined the Commons, so I am very new to this platform.  I am looking forward to learning many tools because I am not familiar with anything…

    Hi everybody! I’m excited to be ‘here’ and to have the opportunity to learn lots of tech stuff that I could incorporate into my math education courses for the benefit of teacher candidates and ultimately for enriching the mathematical (mathematizing) experiences of the students they teach or will teach in the future. Looking forward also to this as a venue to exchanging ideas. Cheers! Betina

    Hello Everyone,


    My name is Daniela Tirnovan. Happy to be here. I am excited to learn how to integrate more digital sources into my pedagogy.

    Looking forward to the exchange of ideas across this work.

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