Public Group active 3 years, 7 months ago

EAS 10600 #M Group A

Hi Students from EAS 106 #M, this is the Group A. You will be discussing here for the rest of the semester!


Lab 3: Discovering Plate Boundaries Continuing Discussion

  • Continuing Discussion – Due on Sunday 2/28/2020 11:59 pm

    Take some time to compare your boundary classifications with those provided by others in your group and begin thinking about how you could condense these into a single classification system in which each boundary is associated with a specific pattern of earthquakes, volcanoes, topography, and seafloor age (if the boundary is on the seafloor). As a group, discuss, based on your work so far, what this classification system should look like and work toward a consensus.

    Note – there is no “right” answer for this activity. The goal of this activity is to encourage you to practice making and sharing observations and to become more familiar with the geologic features that occur at different plate boundaries and how these are distributed.

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  • After taking some time to read other peoples observations and my observations there seems to be certain patterns that occur with earthquakes, volcanoes, topography and seafloor age. With earthquakes it looks like everyone had the same idea with it being linear to the tectonic plate map. Also that seem to occur anywhere tectonic plates meet. For volcanoes it also seems that most people had the same observations and that volcanoes occur where subduction occurs. Usually when an oceanic and continental plate meet. For topography there were a few different observations. Though different observations,  they all had the same idea that mid ocean ridges shown on the topography map is linear when compared to the tectonic plate map. For seafloor age, everyone had the same idea that as the seafloor got farther away from these mid ocean ridges that it got older. Assuming that new ocean floor is being made near these mid ocean ridges.


    After reviewing my peers and my Lab 3, I can observe that some boundary classifications are very similar. The main ideas outlines all throughout Lab 3 is that volcanoes seem to be linear along plate boundaries. Earthquakes seem to be clustered and spread out evenly along the plate boundaries. There’s an elevation of about 0 along the plate boundaries as well. Sea floor age seems to fluctuate all along the plate boundaries so I could not draw an accurate prediction. I believe that most of the reports came to these conclusions as well, making them very probable.

    There are four different topics which the Lab 3 assignment was based on. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Topography and Seafloor-age. When comparing with the reports of the peers of this lab, it has become paramount that the plate boundaries are dynamic, each plate shares its boundary with multiple other plates and all the volcanic or earthquake activities are not only directly related to the plate boundaries but also some other factors in the foundation of each plates, which results in scattered activities on the plates. As a result, in different scenarios there are both similarities and disparities among the group members. A key disparity can be observed even from the first question on volcanoes. Since, the answer of the question on the presence of volcanoes on plate boundaries, depended on the definition and length of the boundary observed. For example, if we consider all sides of the Pacific plate then, the answer is yes and if only the intersection between the Pacific and Atlantic plate is observed, then the answer is no. Furthermore, in defining multiple types of activities, the classifications are similar for each activities among most of the peers. However, the exception is the new seafloor formation. It portrays, the complication in the observation from only the maps of the seafloor and the plate boundaries. More detailed data is necessary to provide a proper classification of the new and old seafloor formation. In addition, depending on the unique observations in each participants, the classifications differed. The observations are highly differentiated when considering the topographical map of the plate boundaries. Elevation and their dependence on the boundaries of the plate are indisputable, however, depending on the observations the classifications that were put forth were very different, one observed the shapes of the boundary, one prioritized the elevation and one defined based on a particular plate. In conclusion, observations solely taken from maps are very likely to be inconsistent with facts, and further data and models of the plate boundaries of the Earth are necessary.

    I believe we can all agree that plate boundaries are where volcanoes and earthquakes occur. We’ve all noticed that the distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes differs in that certain plate boundaries, such as the Pacific Plate, have more volcanoes and earthquakes than other plates. Furthermore, volcanoes and earthquakes follow different patterns, with some occurring in a linear pattern and others appearing in clusters and concentrating in small areas. Furthermore, as seen in the elevation at the Pacific Plate, which is higher than the rest of the country, we have frequently discovered that elevation at a plate boundary is higher than the area near the boundary. Furthermore, we’ve discovered that the age of the seafloor is determined by its proximity to the plate boundary. At the plate boundary, the age appears to be younger, and as it moves away from the boundary, it appears to be older.

    I completely agree with Brian that after reading all of our group’s observations on the patterns of volcanoes, earthquakes, topography, and seafloor age in relation to plate boundaries, it becomes clear that our boundary classifications should be divided into three distinct categories. Ocean-ocean, ocean-continent, and continent-continent are the three types of crust that meet at any given boundary. This appears to be the most important indicator of the type of geologic activity that will occur at the boundary, as well as the type of topography that will be present.

    As discussed with our group member and rereading my observations. I’ve realized many new unique series of volcanoes and earthquake, topography and seafloor-age. It was difficult for me to predict any of the age of the seafloor. Weather its faster or slower than others. Everything else was pretty much simple and clear.

    I have realized I submitted the wrong word doc for my answers I WILL RE SUBMIT IT

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