PUG – Python User’s Group

Public Group active 2 days, 2 hours ago

PUG – Python User’s Group

Group logo of PUG – Python User’s Group

PUG meeting today at 3:30pm

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  • #102647

    Looking forward to seeing you all.

    For more details and link, check this post

    Lola S

    Hi y’all!

    I was not able to make the last meeting. Did y’all decide on any “homework” to figure out over the next couple of weeks?



    Hi Lola,

    Patrick presented a snazzy tutorial on pandas. We cloned a repo that Patrick uses to teach pandas. Filipa shared a Jupyter notebook on Slack, which includes what was covered in the presentation, and a dataset we want to look at next time.

    The “homework” was to look at the Airbnb dataset referenced in the Github repo / used in the notebook, and bring questions we want to ask of the data, based on what’s available.


    Lola S

    Thank you so much for taking the time to send this Kai.

    See you next time!


    Ben Inbar

    This is awesome, Kai. Thank you. Any chance you or someone else would be able to send me an invite to the PUG Slack? Appreciated.


    Sent you an invitation link on Slack this afternoon. Let us know if there’s a problem with the invite.


    Daniel Fox



    Could you share an invite to the slack channel to me too? Thanks!


    Hey Daniel,

    Sure thing! Can you DM me with your preferred email address?

    Emily Chiu

    is there a slack workspace for the python user’s group?


    Hi Emily! Sorry for taking long. Yes, we have a slack workspace. Join us here  : https://join.slack.com/t/pug-world/shared_invite/zt-iube7uch-nVkvtIyIbpaqtQSZcMB2Ig

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