Public Group active 5 days, 18 hours ago

CUNY-Wide Composition and Rhetoric

Bringing together comp/rhet teachers and scholars across the CUNY system.

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  • Keith Gilyard and Victor Villaneuva at City College on November 11th!

    Please join us on Friday, November 11 at City College for the next lecture in the Mina Shaughnessy Speaker Series. Keith Gilyard and Victor Villanueva will present “On Language and Democracy.”

    November 11, 2011
    3 pm
    250 Shepard Hall
    138th Street and Convent Avenue
    City College

    Keith Gilyard
    Distinguished Professor of English
    Penn State University
    An often ignored relationship in language studies is that between the preeminent philosopher John Dewey and renowned activist W. E. B. Du Bois. Both considered education to be a form of rhetorical preparation and, as they circled one another in public and professional spaces, they co-crafted, Gilyard argues, a rhetoric of education that has profound implications for American democracy. His talk, part of a larger effort to reevaluate liberal, progressive, and radical teaching traditions, details the links between these two towering figures in American intellectual history.

    Keith Gilyard, born on Convent Avenue, is Distinguished Professor of English at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park. He is the author or editor of seventeen books on language, literature, and education. A two-time recipient of an American Book Award, he is a former chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication and is currently president-elect of the National Council of Teachers of English.

    Victor Villanueva
    Professor and Department Head, English
    Auburn University
    For the last several years Victor Villanueva has been making a call to reinvigorate the canon of memory into our scholarship. For this talk, Villanueva will take us on a memory journey, from the personal to the memory of a Puerto Rican orator for freedom, Pedro Albizu Campos, whose major crime had in fact been rhetoric, accused of sedition and sentenced under a law that said that words were every bit as powerful as weapons.

    Victor Villanueva is Professor and English Department Head at Auburn University. He is a former chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication and was honored with the organization’s 2009 Exemplar Award. All of his efforts have centered on the connections between language and racism.

    The Mina Shaughnessy Speaker Series is sponsored by the CUNY Composition & Rhetoric Community & various colleges of the CUNY system. This is ongoing series of lectures/discussions between both people inside and outside of the City University of New York. The Mina Shaughnessy Lecture Series proposes to reclaim CUNY’s historical contribution to the field of composition and rhetoric while simultaneously connecting the impact of its educational heritage with broader practices and discussions across the nation.

    To get to Shepard Hall, take the 1 train to 137th Street and walk west up the hill. Continue through the gates onto campus. Convent Avenue runs through the center of campus.

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