Public Group active 5 days, 17 hours ago

CUNY-Wide Composition and Rhetoric

Bringing together comp/rhet teachers and scholars across the CUNY system.

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Group avatar: Red-Type by bebop717


  • FYW ABC or NC

    Dear Colleagues:

    In the QCC English dept. we are looking into changing the grading system for ENGL 101, our first semester writing course. With the lowering of the pass rate on the Regents exam, we have noticed a higher fail rate in our 101 courses over the last few years. We have started toying with the idea of moving to a pass (A through C) or no credit designation. My MA alma mater, U of TN, had this system. After three attempts, students had to take 101 “elsewhere.” This elsewhere was generally assumed to be one of the local community colleges. I do not know if, since we’re a CC, this would complicate a transition like this.

    I have spent some time on most of the CUNY English dept. websites, but it’s difficult to tell if schools have this grading system or a more traditional A-F one. If any of you have a NC grade or are transitioning to one, it would help me to know. You could either post your response here or write to me directly at



    John Talbird
    Coordinator of the Writing Program
    Queensborough Community College

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  • Hi John,

    Funny you should post this query right now because we, at Kingsborough, have been talking about the possibility of creating a similar policy in our department for our Comp I and Comp II courses. There are a few other CUNY campuses that have something similar–each with its own individual spin. I know that Hunter, Brooklyn, and Medgar have some version of this, as do MANY large college and CC systems around the country. I’d be interested in chatting with you off this forum about various options and roadblocks we’ve already discovered in our initial research phase. Also, I know that the EDC and WDC both have this topic on their radar and are thinking/working on it to some degree. IMO, it would be ideal and wonderful if all campuses could collaborate on a shared policy for a minimum C in the required Pathways Comp courses.

    All best,
    Annie Del Principe
    Director of the Freshman English Program
    Kingsborough CC

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