Looking at all the writing that I have done since the course started and comparing with pieces of work that I created towards the end of the semester I could see the improvement as me as a writer. I have grown to understand more about rhetorical situations and learned how to analyze it in all text. This improvement can be seen with my first paper for this course, the source based essay. The assignment required that I pick 4 different genres and be able to identify and analyze the different rhetorical strategies that the author used. My initial grade for the paper wasn’t what I expected but I was able to improve when I was able to analyze the different strategies. I was able to identify the strategies but wasn’t able to explain their overall purpose in the writing. This course has allowed me to gain a new understanding of rhetorical strategies and their overall impact. Our weekly discussion posts really helped propel me to where I am today because they targeted rhetorical strategies weekly so it was always practice for me to get better when I encountered rhetorical strategies. My pieces of writing have evolved from where I was months ago. This portfolio will showcase the progression of me as a writer.
Looking at the progression of my writing I really improved as a writer. In the beginning my utilization of rhetorical strategies was not as good as it is now. You can see this in my earlier work. My first discussion post I didn’t do a good job analyzing the the strategies but you can see that as I progressed you can see that my analysis and identifying the different rhetorical devices drastically increased. In my sourced based essay I got a 55 on my first draft due to my inability to identify and analyze the different devices. After I went back and improved on what I needed I got a new score of 85 which goes to show the increase in my rhetorical analysis. In addition to this my gathering of sources grew more broad. I started utilizing sources such as academic journal articles, magazine and newspaper articles and this can be seen in my source based essay where I analyzed 4 different sources. I was also able to Compose texts that integrate your stance with appropriate sources using strategies such as summary, critical analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and argumentation. My writing got stronger and it was all thanks to practicing my rhetorical analysis on weekly discussion post and strengthening the areas i needed help in