Paper #2- Exploratory Essay

Have you ever heard of growing a pancreas or anything you know of? Or have you heard of creating new organs from scratch?. Well, there is a group of scientists who have done one of those by using healthy or cancerous pancreatic cells. They are making this to be able to mimic the real pancreas and be able to develop and test potential drugs that can go against pancreatic cancer, which is one the most dangerous cancers there is to take care of. This will take a long time to be able to figure out which of the drugs will be of good use for treating cancer and it will take a lot of experiments to be able to figure out which one. It will take a long time to be able to see which one will be able which will be the right one and how they have to develop it even more also, more importantly, to be able to know who they will give it to within the groups with pancreatic cancer.

 This shows how science has changed throughout the years and technology that could make this type of experiment come to light. The groups of scientists were also able to produce a new gel to be able to grow the pancreatic organoids using healthy or cancerous cells that were taken from the mice. So they are still trying to make sure that they are still able to replicate the pancreas with its cells and to be able to make sure if it is functional to be able to continue. In the article, it states “The researchers found that incorporating small synthetic peptides derived from fibronectin and collagen in their gels allowed them to grow a variety of epithelial tissues, including intestinal tissue. They showed that supportive cells called stromal cells, along with immune cells, can also thrive in this environment.”  They are still trying to figure out what environment would be better for the cancerous pancreatic cells to make it since it will die when it is taken out of the body it has inhabited. It’s going to be hard to be able to control its regular temperature as it has been in the body and with finding the right environment they would be able to experiment on it to see which drugs they will have an effect on. They were also able to find that the pancreatic cell to survive in a certain environment and other cells like macrophages, a type of immune cells, and fibroblast, a type of supportive cell, to survive in that certain environment as well. 

They are using mice because they are going step by step to be able to make sure that it could be safe to give it to citizens. It will also have to go through a process that needs to be approved by the government and from the FDA, Food and Drug Administration, to make sure everything is up to date and if it’s dangerous or not. They are still researching this experiment to make sure that it can get good results and to be able to make a dent in the survival rate of those who have pancreatic cancer. The article states “The researchers also showed that they can use their gel to grow organoids from pancreatic cancer cells from patients. They believe it could also be useful for studying lung, colorectal, and other cancers.”. If this gets some good results they might be able to use the same steps with other cancers like lung cancer, colon cancer, or Leukemia. That would be able to help them feel better to make sure that they have a chance with the right drugs. But it will take a long time for that to happen and we need hope to be able to make that happen.

This would be able to make a change in the scientific world and to be able to improve the health of those who have cancer. This would be able to make a dented of finding the right medicine to be able to treat pancreatic cancer or possibly other forms of cancer as well. In the article, it states “They believe it could also be useful for studying lung, colorectal, and other cancers. Such systems could be used to analyze how potential cancer drugs affect tumors and their microenvironment.” There are still many things to be able to figure out in order for they can make the right medicine to counter cancer. But it will take time to be able to find the right one and will have to go through many experiments to find the right one.

Will this experiment be able to make a huge change within the scientific world? or Will they be able to accomplish their goal? This type of research would help the scientific and medical world to be able to help those with cancer to have more time and be able to continue more in this research to be able to battle other types of cancer. This would make some drastic changes if will it actually works and would give hope to people that have cancer and to their families.


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