The Digital Archive Research Collective is a platform that aims to address the needs of students, faculty, and communities working on the creation of digital archives and exhibitions at the Graduate Center.
The Digital Archive Research Collective is a platform that aims to address the needs of students, faculty, and communities working on the creation of digital archives and exhibitions at the Graduate Center.
THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to create multimedia projects based on their own scholarly […]
This group accompanies the the GCDI website (http://gcdi.commons.gc.cuny.edu/). Here, members of the GC community can share news of recent events and new projects and can begin to build connections between projects.
The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the […]
The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Mapping working group is a network of CUNY students, faculty and staff who are interested in sharing methods and techniques, and finding support from others about ways GI […]
This group is for anyone who is interested in writing a digital dissertation (or creating a digital component to an otherwise 'traditional' dissertation). Please join, introduce yourself in the "welcome and […]
R User’s Group (i.e., RUG) is a place for newbies and experts alike to learn and work together on projects using the statistical programming language, R. Do you want to learn the best practices for creating a r […]
A public calendar for GC events and workshops from a number of GC offices and initiatives
Python User’ Group (or PUG for short) is an open and informal collaborative space for experimentation and exploration with the Python programming language. It is an opportunity for those interested in Python to w […]
The mission of The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy is to promote open scholarly discourse around critical and creative uses of digital technology in teaching, learning, and research. You can find […]
A group for Graduate Center students working on projects sponsored by the GC Provost's Digital Innovation Grants competition
This is a group for all of the GCDI fellows.
This is a group for participants in the Open Pedagogy Fellowship and OER Bootcamp.
This is the group page for the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department at The Graduate Center, CUNY
Graduate Seminar Spring 2021
This is a group associated with the Spring 2019 Archival Encounters class.
This is a work/study group for the EES Human Geography first year exam administered summer 2020
Urban Studies: Katz/Sholette Wednesdays 4:15-6:15 Room 6421