Position open for one computer science graduate teaching assistant for an undergraduate research project from July 1 to December 1 2014 at York College. Student should be proficient in JAVA and have interest in […]
Once you have your GENI credentials, you will need to generate your ssl and ssh keys and then you can go on to the main tutorial and start exercising your fingers while straining your eyes and neck….
The first part of this second step is to understand the rspecs, specifically the request rspec. The GENI wiki talks about various types of Rspecs and points to resources that may be used to create your own (see <a […]
I downloaded this Rspec by clicking on View -> Preview Request Document and then on the next screen click on the Download button. See screenshots below:
Once your experiment starts growing, it will be impractical to log on to each node to execute commands. Fortunately there is a way to automate things. Again using the simple experiment from the previous post, […]
Lets run a quick sample experiment to see how this whole thing ties in together. I will do this the hard way i.e., manually just to test the waters and understand what I need for an automated experiment.
Before we start an experiment, let me clarify something about resource names in GENI. When you reserve your resources, you will see two names in your network graph. One name is on the resource picture, and the […]
Once you have completed your experiment, you must release the resources you have used. You do so by clicking on the delete button and select “delete everywhere”
In order to log on to one of the resources, you need to download a private key and save it in the .ssh folder in your home directory. If you are using Windows based ssh clients, use the specific directions […]
1) Select the sites from where you want to get resources. I used only one site to start with, it can be any site you like. You will see something like this
While waiting to get your account, a serious experimenter will start getting used to the GENI terminology. Best place for that would be a GENI summer school or a GENI engineering conference. But one may not have […]
Before starting to get the feel of GENI, one needs to get a GENI account. I requested one from http://pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com/. Since I am faculty, I could create a new project and thus request an account and project […]
I am about to spend the last part of my summer writing about my experience with the GENI portal and explaining how to get started with this large federation of networking testbeds. This blog is meant to be highly […]