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    Samantha Rodriguez posted an update

    For my research topic I will be discussing the evolution of African American Vernacular English aka AAVE. African American Vernacular English is a dialect of english that plays a major interest in my life. As I become a linguistic major I have learned so much about how language and acceptance go hand and hand. From previous professors I have been…[Read more]

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    History of English (LING 390)

    Samantha Rodriguez commented on the post, Topic ideas

    Hello professor it was not my intention to relate the two together but to show how we have negative impact on how English should be. While I learned in linguistics that all English is acceptable. I just wanted to […]

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    History of English (LING 390)

    Samantha Rodriguez commented on the post, Topic ideas

    Hello professor, I’m looking into researching African American English and cursing and how it plays a major role in most of our day to day language interactions.

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    Samantha Rodriguez became a registered member