We discuss poetry by Whitman, Dickinson, and others; nonfiction by Emerson, Thoreau, and Lincoln; fiction by Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville; the writings of African Americans, Native Americans, and Puritans.
We discuss poetry by Whitman, Dickinson, and others; nonfiction by Emerson, Thoreau, and Lincoln; fiction by Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville; the writings of African Americans, Native Americans, and Puritans.
This course covers a representative range of American writings of the 1620-1865 period, from seventeenth-century Puritan prose and poetry to the eighteenth-century literature of enlightenment, revolution, and […]
During the past two decades, a revolution has occurred in scholarship: troves of archival materials that were once very hard to access and search have been digitized and put online. Rare books and manuscripts; […]
The decades leading up to the Civil War, known as the American Renaissance, are generally regarded not only as the peak moment in American cultural expression but also as a watershed of themes reaching back to […]
This is an open group for American Studies scholars at all CUNY campuses. Join us for discussions of scholarship and the sharing of other information about interdisciplinary programs with an American focus.
This group is one of the arms of the Revolutionizing American Studies initiative, the fuller description of which is available at its partner blog site: […]
This group is a space for faculty and students in the PhD Program in English to discuss matters like faculty appointments and curriculum.
This course explores the historical contexts of Abraham Lincoln, who is widely recognized as America’s greatest president and its central historical figure. Lincoln provides a unique inroad into understanding the U […]
Known as the American Renaissance, the four decades leading up to the Civil War saw landmark meditations on race and slavery by William Wells Brown, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Jacobs; innovations in rhetoric […]
This seminar gives participants the opportunity to develop and complete their dissertation prospectus and/or draft dissertation chapters. It is conducted as a workshop with members reading and commenting on one […]
This course addresses four aspects of graduate studies in English: 1) English studies as a field and discipline; 2) research questions and practices; 3) connections to intellectual communities and networks (i.e. […]