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    DARC (Digital Archive Research Collective)

    Matthew K. Gold started the topic "A Conversation With: Dr. Yomaira Figueroa-Vásquez" - Baruch College 10/1 at 5pm

    ———- Forwarded message ———
    From: Radhika Kashyap <rkashyap2@gc.cuny.edu>
    Date: Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 12:38 PM
    Subject: October 1 Event at Baruch!
    To: <ENGDEPT-L@gc.listserv.cuny.edu>

    Hi everyone,

    Please join “A Conversation With: Dr. Yomaira Figueroa-Vásquez” at Baruch
    College on October 1 at 5pm! Please see the attached flyer for mo…[Read more]

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    LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable

    Jill Cirasella replied to the topic Vote for October meeting date/time

    Update: The Scholarly Communications Roundtable’s October meeting will be Tuesday, October 15 at 4-5pm. (Thank you to all who voted, and sincere apologies to those for whom this time doesn’t work.)

    Please register for the meeting into order to receive the Zoom link.

    As a reminder, the tentative agenda for the meeting is:

    – Elect roundtable…[Read more]

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    The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)

    September 2024 GC Chapter Meeting MinutesElection We held an election for chapter chair. Sofya Aptekar and Evan Rothman ran unopposed as co-chairs and were elected unanimously. Resolutions Two resolutions were brought to the meeting with urgency. Those assembled voted to review and vote on the resolutions within the September meeting. Both the PSC and NYCERS Israeli Investments Divestment Resolution and the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate Center Resolution were passed by those assembled. Upcoming We have another scheduled chapter meeting in November, and will be looking to fill delegate vacancies before that meeting. Please be in touch with the chapter’s principal officers if you are interested in representing the Graduate Center Chapter in the […] “September 2024 GC Chapter Meeting Minutes”

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    The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)

    PSC and NYCERS Israeli Investments Divestment ResolutionThe following resolution was passed at our September 24, 2024 GC PSC chapter meeting. PSC and NYCERS Israeli Investments Divestment Resolution Whereas, for eleven months the Israeli government has engaged in bombing and other warfare in the Gaza Strip killing at least 40,000 people including, by Israel’s own account, 23,000 civilians. Whereas, these attacks have included those on schools and UN shelters, in violation of commonly accepted “rules of war.” Whereas, the international community has strongly condemned Israeli actions, including the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes, the International Court of Justice’s opinion that Israel’s occupation of the occupied Palestinian territories is unlawful, and its preliminary finding that there is a plausible claim that genocide is occurring in Gaza. Whereas, in the past, such as during the period of apartheid rule in South Africa, American institutions such as colleges and labor unions have used the tool of divestment to show their disapproval of state policies that violate international human rights laws, and also to weaken those states economically. Whereas the investment holdings of the Professional Staff Congress include bond funds such as the Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund and the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund, which have holdings of Israeli government bonds. Whereas, the Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York (TRSNYC) and the New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS) have direct investments of $100 million and $115 million, respectively, in Israeli companies and government bonds. Whereas, at a special meeting of AFSCME DC37 Local 3005, which represents public health workers, 92% of attendees voted for a resolution, which calls for the local to post a statement on its website supporting NYCERS divestment, and for the local’s president to send a letter to the NYCERS board expressing the local’s support of this move. Therefore, be it resolved that the Professional Staff Congress should follow in the footsteps of AFSCME Local 3005 by sending an official letter to the TRS board expressing its support for complete disinvestment from Israel, and also post that letter prominently on its website. And, be it further resolved that the Professional Staff Congress shall divest its own funds from any investment vehicle that includes in its portfolio stocks and bonds of Israeli companies and Israeli government bonds no later than the end of January 2025, and shall continue in good faith to try to meet that investment objective. And, be it further resolved that the Professional Staff Congress shall establish a volunteer committee to investigate whether further divestment is appropriate and feasible, which shall report back to the PSC Delegate Assembly n […] “PSC and NYCERS Israeli Investments Divestment Resolution”

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    The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)

    The Graduate Center Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (GC PSC) Demands the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate CenterThe following resolution was passed at our September 25, 2024 GC PSC chapter meeting. The Graduate Center Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (GC PSC) Demands the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate Center WHEREAS students, faculty, and staff at the Graduate Center, including the DGSC and PSC, organized for food access on campus by reclaiming the dining commons, WHEREAS the Graduate Center signed a contract with Alladin Campus Dining that includes non-unionized labor, unaffordable food, and the sale of Starbucks products at 365 Cafe and Bar located in the lobby of the Graduate Center, WHEREAS Starbucks became the target of an organic boycott campaign by the Palestinian liberation and labor movements following the company’s union-busting lawsuit against Starbucks Workers United over the union’s social media post in solidarity with Palestine, BE IT RESOLVED that the GC PSC demands the removal of Starbucks products from the Graduate Center, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC calls on the Graduate Center community to honor the boycott of Starbucks products, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC demands free and affordable dining options on campus at all times the building is open, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC stands in solidarity with the food service workers in the building and their right to good working conditions, just compensation, and a fair contract, BE IT FURTHER RES […] “The Graduate Center Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (GC PSC) Demands the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate Center”

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    Crimen y otros poemas Lauristely Peña Solano     Crimen   I En esta ciudad decir crimen es como decir vuelo. Cada rincón se inunda de bull […]

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    Una necesidad de silencio y otros poemas Ana Abbate       Una necesidad de silencio   vuelta sobre mí como ley   Dos murmullos en duelo: la que madre y la que fui […]

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    Nueva York, mayo de 2004 y otros poemas Angelina Muñiz-Huberman       Nueva York, mayo de 2004   En la escalinata de San Patricio me senté y pensé.   Los neoyorq […]

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    Tres poemas César Eduardo Carrión     Tocayo A la memoria de César Chávez Aguilar   Compartir el nombre de pila con un amigo muerto es un asu […]

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    Paseo botánico y otros poemas Eva Tur       Paseo botánico   Cómo anhelo que me quieras: como aquel martes que me viniste a buscar y yo no tenía ganas, […]

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    La Faraona y otros poemas Sara Vanégas Coveña       La Faraona   fantasmal la borrada de la historia y la memoria Hatshepsut ronda su antiguo paraí […]

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    Cinco poemas Gabriel Chávez Casazola       Matemáticas   Las noches no son innumerables.   Para ti están contadas, como los granos de la c […]

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    Dos series de poemas Marcia Mendieta Estenssoro       Pienso en los ciclos     la tarde se pasea en un soplo caliente a estas horas donde el peso de l […]

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    Radicales libres (fragmento) Rosa Beltrán       Una escritora es esencialmente una espía. Anne Sexton     No fue producto de un plan: sucedió. Nos sucedió […]

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    El mar de nuestros males Roberto Cofresí Hopgood       El Boss tiene cara de que los va a botar a los cuatro. Tiene la quijada tan trinca que se escuchan los die […]

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    Dos cuentos Andrea Rothman       Mi Caracas   Miguel Briceño comenzó a soñar despierto poco tiempo después de descubrir, en el fondo de un baúl […]

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    Dos cuentos de fútbol Nibaldo Acero       3 conejos   Cargo con la perturbadora idea de que, sea cual sea la persona, no se le conoce ni una primera ni […]

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    Postales del Paraíso (fragmento) Neus Bonet Farran       El taxi esquivó hábilmente el caos del aeropuerto, sorteó un par de baches y a ritmo de merengue enfiló la car […]

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    El Escultor (fragmento) Alejandro Alonso A       I   Sorprende la luna en cuarto creciente sobre el lomo de la ciudad, tras ella viene la radiación de un l […]

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    Dos relatos Luis Palacio       Este es el nervio   Resulta siempre misterioso la forma en que uno se va ahogando con las babas depositadas en […]

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