A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship. Group avatar includes the […]
A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship. Group avatar includes the […]
A subcommittee of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology (CAT) that focuses on the CUNY Academic Commons. Group membership in this private group is limited to committee members.
Welcome to the home of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology Research and Development Group (CAT-R&D). The mission of CAT-R&D is to research, test, and recommend new technologies from the perspective of […]
A group for members of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology. Group membership is limited to committee members. Group avatar by Don Solo.
This group was created to promote community among faculty and staff at the CUNY School of Professional Studies. SPS Blogs CUNY SPS Community Blog SPS News and Notes Blog CUNY SPS Writing Fellows Blog CUNY […]
This is a group for all members of the CUNY community who are interested in technology and its use in academic research and teaching.
This is a collaborative workspace for the Community College Standing Committee of the UFS.
This group was created to serve as a hub for information and communications for faculty teaching at the CUNY School of Professional Studies and to assist new faculty in getting oriented at SPS. Click on Forum on […]
This is a private ad hoc subgroup of the Committee on Academic Technology devoted to the discussion of some of the more recent and highly touted innovations in online and tech-mediated instruction: Massive Open […]
The Advisory Group on Online Ed Policy is a subcommittee of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology (CAT) advising the Academic Policy Committee (a subcommittee of the Academic Council, comprising the chief […]
Let's talk about what should be done about Bb, fallback options in case of Bb outages, and possible permanent alternatives in terms of an LMS.
A place to share ideas and best practices on planning, piloting, implementing, and/or assessing ePortfolios.
A sub-committee of the Committee on Academic Technology devoted to establishing standards to define and assess digital scholarship within the CUNY University system
General discussions for planning, development, outreach and other issues involving the institutional repository project.
This is a private group created by the CUNY CAT (Committee on Academic Technology) to think through what any large campus-based or University-wide initiative for online or (more likely) blended learning would and […]
Discussions, planning and development of the information architecture, taxonomy and meta data needs of the institutional repository
Discussions on potential needs assessments, platforms, enhancements, etc.
SPS CIS, Philosophy, and Econ Academic Community Related SPS Groups on the Commons General Education: SPS General Education Academic Community Leaders - A private space for the academic community leaders of […]
This is a private group for appointed members if this standing committee of the University Faculty Senate.
This is a general discussion forum for all of the Stage I planning committee members for the New Community College Initiative.