The Ukraine Border Crisis Presents a Threat to the safety of civilians. In a video article produced By the New York Times in 2016, we see a clip of families with their children in a local park while nearby there are rounds of ammunition going off due to the border war. This video depicts that the war has developed an unsafe environment for t…[Read more]
In a New York times article written by Vivian Lee, Gentrification is defined as forcing lower class groups out of a neighborhood to accommodate a higher class group of people. This change that occurs in these […]
Drug addiction has been looked at as both criminal and behavioral problem,but looking at it from a behavioral stand point seems to produce better results.
In an article printed in January of 2017 by the New York Times Editorial Board, the epidemic of opioids are discussed; but highlights an individual’s breakthrough. The editorial board of the New York Times […]
The epidemic outbreak of opioid abuse rises treacherously in America. This epidemic is impartially claiming and destroying countless lives in its path. Sadly, children are being counted in this ordeal, many have […]
This article from The New York times is written by the editorial board,a credible source. I consider the New York Times to be a credible source because it is well known. The New York Times was instituted for a […]
Jamila Lyiscott,a poet expresses her opinion on the freedom of using different dialects or languages,she speaks of how speaking three different languages gives her advantages to connect liberally with various […]
Writing and empathy are similar in that they are both ways of arrive at solutions usually there is an expression to present the attitudes or feelings toward a certain situation.