A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship. Group avatar includes the […]
A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship. Group avatar includes the […]
Archaeology is undoubtedly most famous for its exploration and discovery of “wonderful things” from the deep past in “exotic” places: Tutankhamun’s tomb! Lost Maya cities! Archaeologists are also keen sift thro […]
This group provides a place to discuss the various platforms, strategies, and current practices relating to digital initiatives and existing digital collections in CUNY libraries. Platforms include, but are not […]
A place to list, discuss, understand, discover workarounds and hopefully resolve problems encountered with CUNY 1st implementation and deployment.