[…] May, Jill Cirasella, addressed the makers out there with her post, “Creating an OER? How Should You License It?” But before you license your OER, you have to build it. To do so, you will likely need to use […]
Thank you, Jill, Maura and Steve for an excellent OER program. I am working with a faculty member on an OER and finding the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OpenCourseWare http://www.cmsimpact.org/ocw […]
We’re really interested to hear about any other faculty developing or using OERs in the classroom – please feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected]
[…] services librarian at La Guardia Community College, got the ball rolling by presenting his “OER about OERs,” a great introduction and model for the uninitiated as well as those already hip to OERs. He […]
There are an overwhelming amount of open textbooks and other OER available for professors to use as-is or remix to fit the needs of their specific course. Happily, the University of Minnesota has created the Open […]
When I think about Open Education Resources, I tend to think about two key aspects — access and flexibility. We want material to be freely available to faculty and students, but we […]
We can also use a sticky post to put some explanatory text here, if we have more that we want to say than will fit in the About box on the right sidebar. (Though we should have something there, too, since that […]
The College Open Textbooks Collaborative, which emerged from the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources, includes “twenty-nine educational non-profit and for-profit organizations, affiliated […]