Notes from GC Labor-Management Meeting January 2024Follow-up items from previous meetings: Science bridge funding: Interim President Brumberg is meeting later this month to pursue GTF class size issues: Brumberg will discuss with EOs Payment issues and CUNYBuy support Labor raised the changes that CUNYBuy has brought, increase in workload with new system. Brumberg is putting together groups to generate step by step instructions for working with CUNYBuy, particularly knows about issues paying honoraria. Acknowledged the issue as complex and requires re-registration at state level for anyone paid by CUNY. Future of WAC program Changes to WAC will not result in loss of financial support for students. This decision to change the system coming from CUNY Central, but the GC can generate a menu of options to fill in for the program. Brumberg will be speaking with EOs about alternative options, and changes will not be implemented until Fall 2025 [speak to your EO if you have suggestions!] Potential change in GC classification from R1 to R2 Change due to Carnegie classifications, American Council of Education. 2 metrics: # of phds the university graduates, and research spending from internal sources only. Classifications had not been updated since the 1980s. 5 million for #2 threshold. Graduate at least 70 phd on IPEDs, GC far exceeds that. #2 increased from 5 million to 50 million (!). Brumberg is trying to appeal for the GC to have its funding counted differently, across CUNY. Staff and community involvement in GC presidential search All presidential searches at CUNY have been closed for some time. This one will be closed as well. Search committee will be charged by BoT, chaired by a cuny college president–senior college in this case, 3 BoT, 3 faculty members elected, one alum (chosen by Brumberg), one GC foundation (chosen by Brumberg) and 2 student reps chosen by Matt Schoengood. Will be listening sessions for whole community with the search committee, but not candidates (those who meet with candidates will sign NDAs). Tuition reimbursement for work-related courses (and associated tax issues) Labor requests that application materials be changed to better outline tax implications for GC employees who are taking GC classes Postdoc employment status Discussion about confusion over whether these folks are tax levy funded or not (could be both, esp at ASRC), how they know about benefits and resources like library access, and funding postdocs not merely at national rates but to live in NYC. Update on food services: food services will launch on the 22nd of January. Before that on Thursday and Friday, 18th and 19th, before there will be free food. During the first and second semester there will be opportunities for feedback. Cafeteria open in the morning until 3pm. Grab and go will open later in the semester on the first floor. Portal and app for paying for food with 10% bonus for using the app. But restricted covenant that means that the dining spaces can’t use outside vendors–and this means potlucks can’t be held in these spaces (which are the rooms? 8th floor for sure, not sure which other rooms). They have a liquor license too. A bar will be opening in the found […] “Notes from GC Labor-Management Meeting January 2024”