This was a great concert–were you there, too?
What I find especially intriguing about Alarm Will Sound is this reverse-engineering of electronic music that sort of shows the work involved in producing sounds. […]
Yeah, that 12-tone version was hilarious. I think that’s more a proof that its possible, not that anyone _should_ do that! But now, having taken this course, at least you know theoretically what that means!
I […]
That video you embedded is hilarious. That is at least 6 semesters of music theory rolled into 14 minutes of intensity. Slow it down, study it, and then show it off in Theory class!
Given that Jazz was a sort […]
Hey everyone in the class: The Stone will be closing its doors at this location this year, so get down there and experience something like this! Olivia is right–the venue really makes the musical experience here. […]
Thanks for introducing us to Caliper Music and to this recording! This is ear-opening music, for sure.
We didn’t speak to much about this in class, but I think this recording, and our own experience with some of […]
This exhibit at the Rubin appears to be a great example of how sound is increasingly regarded as an important part of an experience, equal to the visual. Of course, that hasn’t always been the case, and the work […]
What does post-rock mean when related to this music? It does seem like post-modern and all the other “post” terms which lack a really precise meaning.
I think I might have called this “indie rock” as we did with […]
I’ve never seen that video of Ellington and the train. That’s for finding that!
And what an amazing rendition of the Ellington tune Matsuev constructs. Total virtuosity.
Der Rosenkavalier is a fun piece (it’s in German, though, not French) and well worth hearing. Renee Fleming will be missed by opera audiences, but I wonder if she will still sing Lieder, just not staged opera? […]
What have various other artists done with this tune? Are there recordings that are memorable to which you might compare the one you heard? Are there especially memorable versions? Or ones that have the stylistic […]
The audio worked fine for me. I wonder if it is a browser compatibility issue. I used Chrome and it was fine.
I’m curious, did people buy tickets to sit on stage? I thought the Pop-Up concerts were always free. […]
This is a fascinating review. I actually didn’t know about the Spanish Phrygian scale and am happy to learn about it. I don’t know about the pitch collection that you mention (combining Phrygian with harmonic […]
Thanks for post, Jesus!
Did you catch the composer / engineer’s name? I’m curious about who it was. (I’m also curious about the venue)
I’m also really interested in your comment about how rather “old fashioned” […]
I like the 4 against 3 groove that they create in “Confessions Pt II” as the foundation for some wild improvisations!
on “Hyssop of Love”, I like the rawness and imperfection of the drumming—this is certainly […]
Thanks for the review, David. Can you give your post a title? When did this performance take place and who were the other performers? I feel like I’m missing a little of the key information to know about this […]
I wondered, at first, what sort of “drone” this piece might be referring to, and after listening, I do still wonder. Are we supposed to think about the flying drone (aircraft) as much as we might the musical […]