I am a theatre and performance maker, researcher, and educator interested in magic and the supernatural in theatre, dance and ritual performance and the social and political possibilities of re-enchantment in artistic practice. I currently teach theatre at Brooklyn College as a Graduate Teaching Fellow.
Ph.D Theatre and Performance, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY (In progress)
M.A. Educational Theatre, New York University, New York, NY (2017)
Applied Theatre + Process Drama
M.A. Communication and Culture, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (2013)
Performance Studies and Ethnography + Rhetoric and Public Culture
B.A. Communication Arts/Theatre, Allegheny College, Meadville , PA (2010)
Minor: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
“Disappearing Acts: Witchcraft Dramaturgy at the Crossroads of Exposure and Loss” in The Witch Studies Reader, edited by Soma Chaudhuri and Jane Ward (forthcoming 2022, Duke University Press). Author.
“Beware the Word: Butoh, Ethnotheatre, and the Limits of Speech” in PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research Volume 4, Issue 1(August 2021).
“Butoh Beyond the Body: Shakina Nayfack on Transition, Evolution, and the Spirit at War” in The Routledge Companion to Butoh Performance, edited by Bruce Baird and Rosemary Candelario (2019, Routledge). Author.
“Events from the Arab/Islamic World at the 2019 PRELUDE Festival, New York” Arab Stages, Volume 11 (Fall 2019, Martin E. Segal Theatre Center). Co-authored with Dohyun Gracia Shin.