Assistant Professor, CUNY School of Professional Studies; Faculty and Coordinator, Film and Media Cultures, CUNY Graduate Center
always curious, ever changing, grounded in reality
Professor and Director of Media Arts A.S.
Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences
Professor of Sociology & Founding Director of the CUNY Haitian Studies Institute
Adjunct Associate Professor at CUNY York College & BMCC
I'm the Director of Organization and Business Effectiveness for IT at BMCC. I also teach film editing at City Tech.
Assistant Professor of Game Design
Associate Professor and Digital Sensei in New Media Technology
Asociate Professor, Modern Languages Department, Borough of Manhattan Community College
Artist and Educator
Associate Professor of Media Studies at Hunter College CUNY
Asst Prof of Communication Design at City Tech
CLT - EDM CCNY And Adjunct Assistant Professor
Professor of Graphic Design at Bronx CC
faculty development, teaching, research, administration
Assistant professor, MEA Department, BMCC
CLT at Lehman College's Art Department and Adjunct Lecturer