Midterm project description of the Zine Union Catalog project for ITP Core 2
My project is to build a course site for French language students which is available either on mobile phone, laptop or computer. The course site is designed to quench the thirst of those of my students who either want to broaden their knowledge of French or who have special interest in learning some aspects […]
ITP Core 2 Midterm, Spring 2018
ITP Core 2 Midterm- A proposal for a culturally sustaining and critical sociolinguistic grammar game for speakers of World Englishes.
Cybersecurity Workshops for Educators The Graduate Center, City University of New York General Description Introduction Teaching and doing research in academia offers the opportunity to work with students from a diverse range of backgrounds. While this range of experiences enriches any educational context, it is also important to acknowledge that with it comes a range […]
This proposal explores digital annotation as an opportunity for making solitary reading practices more visible and social. I aim to modify an existing annotation tool to use in my English 220: Introduction to Writing about Literature class at Hunter College. As an instructor for this course, I learned the difficulty of modelling, scaffolding, and […]
Hi All, I have two kinds of projects cooking in the oven at the same time. So, I wrote two of these and focused on the full-fledged version while briefly giving direction on how the stripped down version will work too. I imagine that for whichever project I decide to go with, I will be […]
General Description For my project, I am planning to design a video game that is devoted to exploring issues of technology in society. Both the gameplay mechanics and narrative arc will follow a basic intention: to compel the player (as they play) to reflect critically on the place of technology in daily life. I envision […]
Greetings, ENGL 494! I’m writing you tonight—somewhat bleary-eyed and just a few hours before deadline, sound familiar?—with the hope that you will join me in an academic social experiment. The goal of our experiment will be to produce a public, student-driven dialogue that questions assumptions about two things: the potential of student writing, and the […]