1) The powerpoint was very clear and made concepts from the reading easier to understand. The slide on ascriptive factors was very interesting to me because, in my opinion, this is where most of the inequality in […]
1) The powerpoint was very clear. I found the Hout reading a little hard to understand and the powerpoint explained in a clearer way. I find the maximally maintained inequality hypothesis interesting but a bit […]
1) The PowerPoint presentation is very clear. It was interesting to see how the findings in both papers were related. Lareau’s paper found that middle class parents intervene in institutions in behalf of their c […]
1) The presentation was very clear. It helped understand some of the things I found confusing. The way Bourdieu writes is very confusing and I found myself rereading the same sentence multiple times. I think the […]
1) The presentation was clear and helped answered some of the questions I had, like what did they mean by human capital. It was very interesting to learn of education as mechanism of reproduction of social […]
1) The presentation was very clear and easy to understand. It was interesting to see that the US ranks the highest in human rights violation among the rich developed countries. Living in the US, I can see Amartya […]
1. The presentation was very clear and easy to understand. I found the concept of relative deprivation very interesting. The idea of feeling of deprivation that people may feel depends on who they are comparing […]
1. The presentation was clear. The figure of the survey of American vs Canadians was pretty interesting and it made me thing about what Neckerman & Torche say about the US being an exception to the median voter […]
1. The powerpoint was clear. It was interesting to see how racial relations in Brazil look, especially since it has become minority white. This makes me think of projections I’ve seen that the US will become m […]
1. The presentation was very clear. It was really interesting to see all that data, being Latino myself so I found myself looking for my country in a lot of those graphs. One thought that I had in the back of my […]
1. The powerpoint was very clear and informative. One question I have is which type of colony, as describe in slide 25, from the first two was more extractive? Obviously it wasn’t the last category, since those a […]
1. The PowerPoint was very helpful and helped clarified a lot of the points made in both readings. I just found it very interesting that Thomas Piketty helped to write Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax plan, which n […]
1. The presentation was very clear. I don’t know if it was meant to be like that, but for the 6th slide, it seems like the audio cuts off. I found slide 6 and 7 to be very interesting because the idea that c […]
1. The powerpoint was very clear. Something I found interesting from the powerpoint was the last slide, specifically how what happens in America affects the whole world since that was what I was thinking of when I […]
1. The PowerPoint was very clear. I just wanted to inquire about the graph on slide 11. This graph means that when calculating inequality, inequality between countries (location) contributes a lot to global […]
1. The presentation was pretty clear and informative. The data was very helpful in helping visualize some of the things that the reading was referring to. The second graph on the 12th slide was a little confusing. […]
1) The powerpoint presentation was very clear, especially when explaining the quantile and Lorenz curve and how to construct them. Something I am a little confused on is PPPs. I understand that PPPs basically […]
1. I do agree with Atkinson on this statement. True equality of opportunity cannot be achieve unless we are concerned abot inequality of outcome. Atkinson explains this when he talks of richer countries like the […]