Tenure was introduced to fix the problem of unfair firings of teachers and educators, so they could keep their jobs if they fulfill the specific requirements of it. In fact, tenure wastes a lot of money in […]
Border crisis problems have been becoming worse and worse with time. Tensions between India and Pakistan are becoming intensified and that doesn’t make it safe for the civilians on either countries. In “Fighting Intensifies Between India and Pakistan on Kashmir Line of Control” by Hari Kumar and Salman Masood (2016) the authors tells us the…[Read more]
In “Precarity and Gentrification” by Samuel Stein he defines gentrification basically as an economic process which the city uses their raw materials to get profits and renew neighborhoods. It states that It […]
Doctors are prescribing drugs to veterans without actually diagnosing them. Drug addiction is becoming a common problem with people and veterans, doctors should find some other way to treat their patients. They […]
Drug addiction has always been an issue in people’s life, destroying them and it’s been increasing within the years. In Inside a Killer Drug Epidemic: A Look at America’s Opioid Crisis according to the edi […]
In Batman’s Bad Call, excerpted from “Chasing the Scream” by Johann Hari, he explains how people could do unusual things and how they struggle when they’re lonely, how addiction is not chemical base but […]
The following links lead you to the article called Injecting Drugs, Under a Watchful Eye. In this article published by Tina Rosenberg on The New York Times, she’s giving her opinion based on research and s […]
In “3 ways to speak English” by Jamila Lyiscott, she expains how articulate she is by speaking three different languages. An example of this is when she’s talking to her friends “…when I’m on the block I s […]
Well, when you write you are expressing your feelings, thoughts and experience. Let’s say you’re writing an story about someone you have to use empathy, put yourself in […]