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    A Journey: C++ to Java to Android & MobilityFirst

    Programming Languages

    C++ to Java

    Programming languages are a lot like their purely linguistic equivalents. They reorganize the human brain to process information in a very specific way to follow the rules of the language being learned. As such, it should not be surprising that learning a new programming language can present some challenges. In the academic exposure to other languages, there is rarely time to become proficient in multiple languages. Even learning multiple operating systems can be challenging. It is however possible to make a smooth transition from C++ to Java.

    The common traits to both languages can serve to link the two and facilitate a shift. Both languages are object oriented. Both contain the concepts of variables, inheritance, classes and methods, and more. Once the similarities can be embraced, it’s actually a joy to delve into the intricacies of Java after having learned C++.

    Of course, the best way to learn a new programming language is to apply the step-by-step instructions as part of a project. These sessions leading into Android Development and the MobilityFirst framework (part of the National Science Foundation’s Future Internet Architecture project) will certainly aid in joining the necessary elements for proficiency in a new programming language.

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    A Journey: C++ to Java to Android & MobilityFirst

    Welcome to my CUNY Academic Commons page. This is my first post. Comments or constructive criticism are welcome!

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    Java Workshop

    Welcome to my OTHER  CUNY Academic Commons blog page. This is my first post HERE. This blog will document me Android development work.

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