My Spring 2021 semester is like the bud of a tulip. I have been studying hard to grow in the field of education, just as a plant strives to bear its fruits and bloom a beautiful flower. Although the plant […]
“Where is the humanity in the humanities? Why are the humanities failing humans? Are the humanities killing the human spirit? Am I considered a human in the […]
“It’s not enough just to say that you’ve met the definition of an HSI if students don’t have a sense of belonging if the leadership doesn’t provide the support necessary to get to and through college completio […]
As I read through Prof. Brim’s book, I realize that queer studies are interconnected with different social factors such as class, woman, race, and poverty. Although queer studies are a somewhat unfamiliar subject […]
As I read through the articles shared in the post, some ideas of the articles impressed me and made me think about a variety of things. When it comes to white supremacy culture, even though we don’t have the t […]
Through Professor Rogers’s book, Putting the Humanities Ph.D. to Work, I was able to understand the current structural problems of US universities and graduate schools: Many doctoral students and faculty members […]
Ahmed conducted interviews with 21 diversity professionals at universities in Australia and the United Kingdom to understand what diversity actually means and how diversity is framed. In addition, Ahmed […]
Thank you Dennis for your thought-provoking post. I like your point, “The prestige of private higher-education institutions has specifically been used by powerful leaders as a mechanism in service to the […]
As I was preparing a discussion for our class by searching and reading various articles, I began to realize the problems that American college admission process now has. In the general admission process to a […]
As I read through all the articles and op-eds, I came to know what is going on in universities in the U.S. and NYC, including CUNY. I could imagine about difficulties that U.S. universities are going through […]