THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to create multimedia projects based on their own scholarly […]
THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to create multimedia projects based on their own scholarly […]
Visit our website at http://games.commons.gc.cuny.edu (or by clicking the Visit Blog link on the left). We connect educators from every campus and discipline at CUNY who are interested in games, simulations, and […]
This group was created to promote community among faculty and staff at the CUNY School of Professional Studies. SPS Blogs CUNY SPS Community Blog SPS News and Notes Blog CUNY SPS Writing Fellows Blog CUNY […]
This is a group for all members of the CUNY community who are interested in technology and its use in academic research and teaching.
Let's talk about what should be done about Bb, fallback options in case of Bb outages, and possible permanent alternatives in terms of an LMS.
The CUNY SPS/OCFS Distance Learning group provides a forum for project team members to share information, innovations, data/trends, best practices, lessons learned, and other resources to inform and advance the […]