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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America Member,


    1)  Effective August 1, Islam Issa is Senior Lecturer at Birmingham City University

    2) In July 2017, Honored Scholar of the MSA (2005) Gordon Campbell was […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please especially pass on to me news about M.A. and Ph.D. graduations and theses/dissertations, promotions, and job changes – and notify me of changes of email or postal a […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please especially pass on to me news about M.A. and Ph.D. graduations and theses/dissertations, promotions, and job changes – and notify me of changes of email or postal a […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    We begin the May 2017 Nuggets aptly enough with Milton’s “Song. On May Morning” (cut and pasted from Tom Luxon’s wonderful Dartmouth Milton site):

    Now the bright […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    I am getting out this month’s Nuggets a little early to make sure you get late-breaking news on a few more exciting Renaissance Society of America 63rd Annual Convention e […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please continue to send me news and information that you think would be of interest and importance for our membership to know for inclusion in the next MSA Nuggets.

    The […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please continue to send me news and information that you think would be of interest and importance for our membership to know for inclusion in the next MSA Nuggets.

    The […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    The MSA and Milton at the MLA 2017

    1A) MSA Annual Dinner & Meeting

    Thanks to those who have already RSVPed to the 2017 MSA Annual Dinner & Meeting on Saturday, […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    “This is the Month”…

    … when all good Miltonists will lift a toast to commemorate Milton’s birthday on December 9th and perhaps recite “On the Morning of Christs Nat […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please continue to send me news and information that you think would be of interest and importance for our membership to know for inclusion in the next MSA Nuggets. As you […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please continue to send me news and information that you think would be of interest and importance for our membership to know for inclusion in the next MSA […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please continue to send me news and information that you think would be of interest and importance for our membership to know for inclusion in the next MSA […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America members,


    If you’ve recently moved positions, graduated, etc., please email me your updated contact information. Please also forward me any information that you think would be […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please pass on any news that you think would be of interest to our members. It would be great to hear from you as you hear from the MLA about accepted panels for the […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear MSA member,

    “This is the month” (hmmm, shall we call that an allusion to “On the Morning of Christs Nativity”?) when some of you will be changing status (student to independent scholar, instructor, profe […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please take a moment to pass on to me any news that you believe would be of interest to our members.


    1) Member recognitions and awards

    – 1977 MSA Honored […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please pass on information to me that you think might be of interest to our members, especially for next month’s Nuggets (and of course thereafter) information on any … […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,

    Please pass on information to me that you think might be of interest to our members.


    1) John Mulryan passed on the news of the death on November 25, 2015 of […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,


    Please also see below, in the CONFERENCE section, regarding last-minute RSVPs to the 2016 MSA Annual Dinner and Meeting.

    Happy new year’s day and happy new y […]

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    The Milton Society of America

    Dear Milton Society of America member,


    Please send me any news that would be of interest to our membership.


    “This is the Month” (“Morning of Christs Nativity” 1) of the 407th annive […]

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