Graduate Center Library Blog
New Access to The Chief: A Voice for Workers
We are happy to announce a new collaboration that has brought access to The Chief to all Graduate Center affiliates. The Chief is a New […]
The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)
October and December 2024 GC Chapter Meeting NotesWe held two Graduate Center chapter-wide meetings on October 31 and December 6, 2024 In our October meeting, we heard statements from each of our candidates running for 5 open alternate delegate positions. We had an open discussion of member issues. In our December meeting, we held elections for our open alternate delegate positions. The following members ran and were unanimously elected as alternate delegates and have now joined our chapter leadership: Rachel Duff Helena Najm Forrest Pelsue Joe Riccio Hart Zhang Following the election, we had a presentation and discussion on academic freedom led by the PSC Academic Freedom Committee. Members are encouraged to reach out to chair Tony Alessandrini with questions or concerns […] “October and December 2024 GC Chapter Meeting Notes”
Graduate Center Library Blog
New and Featured Streaming Film Databases: Docuseek and Electronic Arts Intermix
Introducing The Docuseek Complete Collection Docuseek streams essential independent, social-issue and environmental films to colleges, […]
The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)
September 2024 GC Chapter Meeting MinutesElection We held an election for chapter chair. Sofya Aptekar and Evan Rothman ran unopposed as co-chairs and were elected unanimously. Resolutions Two resolutions were brought to the meeting with urgency. Those assembled voted to review and vote on the resolutions within the September meeting. Both the PSC and NYCERS Israeli Investments Divestment Resolution and the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate Center Resolution were passed by those assembled. Upcoming We have another scheduled chapter meeting in November, and will be looking to fill delegate vacancies before that meeting. Please be in touch with the chapter’s principal officers if you are interested in representing the Graduate Center Chapter in the […] “September 2024 GC Chapter Meeting Minutes”
The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)
PSC and NYCERS Israeli Investments Divestment ResolutionThe following resolution was passed at our September 24, 2024 GC PSC chapter meeting. PSC and NYCERS Israeli Investments Divestment Resolution Whereas, for eleven months the Israeli government has engaged in bombing and other warfare in the Gaza Strip killing at least 40,000 people including, by Israel’s own account, 23,000 civilians. Whereas, these attacks have included those on schools and UN shelters, in violation of commonly accepted “rules of war.” Whereas, the international community has strongly condemned Israeli actions, including the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes, the International Court of Justice’s opinion that Israel’s occupation of the occupied Palestinian territories is unlawful, and its preliminary finding that there is a plausible claim that genocide is occurring in Gaza. Whereas, in the past, such as during the period of apartheid rule in South Africa, American institutions such as colleges and labor unions have used the tool of divestment to show their disapproval of state policies that violate international human rights laws, and also to weaken those states economically. Whereas the investment holdings of the Professional Staff Congress include bond funds such as the Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund and the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund, which have holdings of Israeli government bonds. Whereas, the Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York (TRSNYC) and the New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS) have direct investments of $100 million and $115 million, respectively, in Israeli companies and government bonds. Whereas, at a special meeting of AFSCME DC37 Local 3005, which represents public health workers, 92% of attendees voted for a resolution, which calls for the local to post a statement on its website supporting NYCERS divestment, and for the local’s president to send a letter to the NYCERS board expressing the local’s support of this move. Therefore, be it resolved that the Professional Staff Congress should follow in the footsteps of AFSCME Local 3005 by sending an official letter to the TRS board expressing its support for complete disinvestment from Israel, and also post that letter prominently on its website. And, be it further resolved that the Professional Staff Congress shall divest its own funds from any investment vehicle that includes in its portfolio stocks and bonds of Israeli companies and Israeli government bonds no later than the end of January 2025, and shall continue in good faith to try to meet that investment objective. And, be it further resolved that the Professional Staff Congress shall establish a volunteer committee to investigate whether further divestment is appropriate and feasible, which shall report back to the PSC Delegate Assembly n […] “PSC and NYCERS Israeli Investments Divestment Resolution”
The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)
The Graduate Center Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (GC PSC) Demands the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate CenterThe following resolution was passed at our September 25, 2024 GC PSC chapter meeting. The Graduate Center Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (GC PSC) Demands the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate Center WHEREAS students, faculty, and staff at the Graduate Center, including the DGSC and PSC, organized for food access on campus by reclaiming the dining commons, WHEREAS the Graduate Center signed a contract with Alladin Campus Dining that includes non-unionized labor, unaffordable food, and the sale of Starbucks products at 365 Cafe and Bar located in the lobby of the Graduate Center, WHEREAS Starbucks became the target of an organic boycott campaign by the Palestinian liberation and labor movements following the company’s union-busting lawsuit against Starbucks Workers United over the union’s social media post in solidarity with Palestine, BE IT RESOLVED that the GC PSC demands the removal of Starbucks products from the Graduate Center, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC calls on the Graduate Center community to honor the boycott of Starbucks products, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC demands free and affordable dining options on campus at all times the building is open, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GC PSC stands in solidarity with the food service workers in the building and their right to good working conditions, just compensation, and a fair contract, BE IT FURTHER RES […] “The Graduate Center Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (GC PSC) Demands the Removal of Starbucks Products from the Graduate Center”
Cynthia Tobar (she/her/ella)'s profile was updated
LACUNY Services for Incarcerated People Roundtable
Alycia Sellie replied to the topic Roundtable meeting?Yes especially since in particular the PSC hasn’t offered any resources for members!
Cynthia Tobar (she/her/ella) changed their profile picture
The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)
PSC Letters to CUNY Board of Trustees and Chancellor Call for Open Presidential Search
The Graduate Center Chapter of the PSC and PSC President Davis have each sent letters to the CUNY Board of Trustees and CUNY Chancellor calling for an open and inclusive search process that welcomes the whole of the Graduate Center community to select our next […] “PSC Letters to CUNY Board of Trustees and Chancellor Call for Open Presidential Search”
The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)
Notes from GC Labor-Management Meeting January 2024Follow-up items from previous meetings: Science bridge funding: Interim President Brumberg is meeting later this month to pursue GTF class size issues: Brumberg will discuss with EOs Payment issues and CUNYBuy support Labor raised the changes that CUNYBuy has brought, increase in workload with new system. Brumberg is putting together groups to generate step by step instructions for working with CUNYBuy, particularly knows about issues paying honoraria. Acknowledged the issue as complex and requires re-registration at state level for anyone paid by CUNY. Future of WAC program Changes to WAC will not result in loss of financial support for students. This decision to change the system coming from CUNY Central, but the GC can generate a menu of options to fill in for the program. Brumberg will be speaking with EOs about alternative options, and changes will not be implemented until Fall 2025 [speak to your EO if you have suggestions!] Potential change in GC classification from R1 to R2 Change due to Carnegie classifications, American Council of Education. 2 metrics: # of phds the university graduates, and research spending from internal sources only. Classifications had not been updated since the 1980s. 5 million for #2 threshold. Graduate at least 70 phd on IPEDs, GC far exceeds that. #2 increased from 5 million to 50 million (!). Brumberg is trying to appeal for the GC to have its funding counted differently, across CUNY. Staff and community involvement in GC presidential search All presidential searches at CUNY have been closed for some time. This one will be closed as well. Search committee will be charged by BoT, chaired by a cuny college president–senior college in this case, 3 BoT, 3 faculty members elected, one alum (chosen by Brumberg), one GC foundation (chosen by Brumberg) and 2 student reps chosen by Matt Schoengood. Will be listening sessions for whole community with the search committee, but not candidates (those who meet with candidates will sign NDAs). Tuition reimbursement for work-related courses (and associated tax issues) Labor requests that application materials be changed to better outline tax implications for GC employees who are taking GC classes Postdoc employment status Discussion about confusion over whether these folks are tax levy funded or not (could be both, esp at ASRC), how they know about benefits and resources like library access, and funding postdocs not merely at national rates but to live in NYC. Update on food services: food services will launch on the 22nd of January. Before that on Thursday and Friday, 18th and 19th, before there will be free food. During the first and second semester there will be opportunities for feedback. Cafeteria open in the morning until 3pm. Grab and go will open later in the semester on the first floor. Portal and app for paying for food with 10% bonus for using the app. But restricted covenant that means that the dining spaces can’t use outside vendors–and this means potlucks can’t be held in these spaces (which are the rooms? 8th floor for sure, not sure which other rooms). They have a liquor license too. A bar will be opening in the found […] “Notes from GC Labor-Management Meeting January 2024”
Graduate Center Library Blog
Hathitrust Membership Cancellation
As a result of cuts to the library’s budget, we are sorry to report that our membership to Hathitrust will expire on December 31, 2023. […]
The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)
September 2023 Notes from Chapter MeetingThe first GC PSC chapter meeting of the year was held on Friday, September 22. What follows are brief notes on what was presented and discussed, and results of a few votes: Collective discussion: What is the purpose of PSC union work, what the PSC does for CUNY. GC especially is a fighting unit in the PSC, and our chapter is primarily made up of GC students. There was some discussion of issues on the ground for different titles and schools within the chapter. Nod to the intense late payment issue still ongoing for new GC students. Credit hours in many departments are being cut by GC admin, resulting in fewer courses, larger classes, difficulties in scheduling courses to support specialties. GAs being assigned mega/huge classes during first time teaching. Introduction of Professional School Liaison position: Sofya Aptekar was voted to be Professional School Liaison (a new role) after making a brief candidate statement. We also had updates from bargaining sessions and breakout room discussions. The campus action plan for the GC for this semester was shared and discussed (email psc.cuny.gc(at)gmail.com with questions or to get further involved) Labor Against Cop City Resolution: This resolution was passed by those assembled for the meeting: […] “September 2023 Notes from Chapter Meeting”
Graduate Center Library Blog
Making the Impossible Possible: The Story of Puerto Rican Studies in Brooklyn College
We’re excited to announce that CUNY now has streaming access to the film “Making the Impossible Possible: The Story of Puerto Rican Studies […]
Cynthia Tobar (she/her/ella)'s profile was updated
Cynthia Tobar (she/her/ella) changed their profile picture
The Graduate Center chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)
After the GC administration canceled the March 15 Graduate Council meeting with short notice due to “space limitations,” members of the GC community still gathered in the Dining Commons at the scheduled time. T […]
Alycia Sellie (she/her/they)'s profile was updated
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