On Monday I turned in my capstone writing project and gave my presentation. The topic was: Health Information seeking behaviors of parishioners in a small parish. I really wanted more time to tune it up-to delete […]
I am disappointed that you could not read about my internship adventures. It was exciting. I am now taking the research class and preparing my 709 project, which is very interesting…and I am […]
It is the mid-term and I am hard at work on reading more articles for my 709 paper and interviewing volunteers. My topic is health information seeking behaviors of parishioners in a small parish. As soon as I […]
Since beginning the research class I began working on the IRB (Institutional Review Board) application using IRBNet.org a couple of days ago. It is quite an application. It is long and requires attention to […]
This semester I am enrolled in the Research in Library and Information Studies course….the dreaded 709 (so thought by many). By the end of this course we are expected to have prepared a significant piece of […]
The semester is almost over…and, with it, my internship at Touro-Harlem Medical Library. I have currently completed 148 of the 150 hours required. I plan to continue putting in hours (16 hours per week) until […]
On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, I attended a webinar entitled ‘Adventures in International Librarianship: Living and Working Outside of the United States.” It was very informative. Several speakers spoke on […]
The storm is over for many. I never lost power and trees did not fall much around me. For many though, the storm left disaster in its wake. A hospital worker returned to work today after the first floor of her […]
The storm left me very fearful. By the time the storm was over I had slept a lot, listened to the radio a lot and did not touch a bit of classwork. …and I was lucky enough to have power, water and food […]
This semester came after a very short break since the Summer Session II course ended. I am taking Organization and Management of Academic Libaries taught by Professor Marcum. One of the projects we must submit is […]
This summer I took Organization and Management taught by Professor Arthur Friedman. It was an intense course that lasted six weeks. Some 8 papers were expected to be written during that short period. The course […]
This summer I volunteered at the Touro-Harlem Medical Library and got some hands on experience with the integrated library system. I read selected chapters in the Medical Library Association’s Guide to Managing […]
Recently, I met my brother in Boston for a few days. In addition to the usual fun and games, I took the opportunity to visit the Museum of the History of Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Treadwell […]