Let's talk about what should be done about Bb, fallback options in case of Bb outages, and possible permanent alternatives in terms of an LMS.
Let's talk about what should be done about Bb, fallback options in case of Bb outages, and possible permanent alternatives in terms of an LMS.
A place to share ideas and best practices on planning, piloting, implementing, and/or assessing ePortfolios.
This is a private group created by the CUNY CAT (Committee on Academic Technology) to think through what any large campus-based or University-wide initiative for online or (more likely) blended learning would and […]
This group is a CAT Subcommittee formed to discuss topics and ideas related to impact of "disruptive" technologies within CUNY.
This is a private group for members of Digital CUNY and the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology volunteering to imagine an “in-house accelerator” that (to quote the CUNY Online Task Force Report) would inc […]
A group dedicated to the development of the Sociology major online..
This group opens conversations among CAT members and all CUNY colleagues regarding online cross-campus courses and programs. The group is less structured than a subcommittee but more formal than a conversation at […]
Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee
A private working group for members of Connect to Learning at SPS. To visit the ePortfolio Resources for SPS Faculty wiki page, please click here.
This is a private group for leaders and facilitators of the online Certification for Online/Hybrid Instruction workshop held January 3-14, 2011.
A private group created for the Academic Directors of the online degree programs in the School of Professional Studies. The avatar image is a hex sign from a Pennsylvania barn, taken from the Wikimedia Commons.
The Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE) is a project of the City University of New York (CUNY) Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Alliance to foster the infusion of QR instruction and assessment into […]
This is a group for members of the Standards and Practices Sub-Committee of the Committee on Academic Technology