There are a lot of good features of Alma, our new library services platform going live in August 2020. However, one feature that is often cited as needing improvement is its UI, which relies heavily on mouse […]
The Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication (JLSC) seeks a Reviews Co-Editor to continue and expand a program of reviewing scholarship, platforms and tools, and programs and courses whose s […]
This call from the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication hit my inbox today, and it could be a great opportunity for scholcomm-engaged (or even just scholcomm-interested) folks at CUNY. (You can get […]
Please save the date and/or submit a proposal to speak at the upcoming METRO symposium on open access (and how we want to achieve it). Proposals due August 1!
As previously discussed and agreed upon by the Public Services Committee, ERAC, and Cataloging Committee, the CUNY Office of Library Services is removing Serials Solutions MARC records from Aleph. This affects […]
On Sunday, June 2, 2019, our instance of OneSearch was updated to the latest service pack release of the underlying discovery software. Some notable highlights of this release include:
Open Science is a multifaceted notion encompassing open access to publications, open research data, open source software, open collaboration, open peer review, open notebooks, open educational resources, open […]
When I imagined myself writing a blog post for schol com, I naturally assumed I’d tackle an issue like the systemic and entrenched poverty affecting CUNY schools such as my own, which has lead to a decimated […]
When we released the new UI in OneSearch, we implemented a “bug report” feature to allow users to alert us to any problems they encounter while using the discovery platform. Since its implementation on 8/27/17, we […]
The ELUNA (Ex Libris Users of North America) Primo Product Working Group collects enhancement requests and sends out ballots to all Primo customers. CUNY votes as a single institution, with a total of 100 votes. […]
(Please pardon the duplication. This information is also being shared with the PUBLIC-SERVICES, TECH-SERVICES, and ERAC mailing lists. The Chief Librarians have also been notified.)
Advance planning for a technical solution is the type of issue that seems worth bringing to your attention. This one applies to a library’s future purchases of printers. It may be prudent to consider only buying […]
How often have you run across a paywalled journal article and then either taken a detour to Google Scholar to see if there’s a freely available version or just shrugged and decided not to pursue that […]
Why is so hard to get faculty to self-submit their papers in our institutional repository? Our recruitment is moderately successful for short periods of time after we make presentations on the value of open access […]
Call for Applications: JLSC Editor-in-Chief
The Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication ( invites individuals or multi-member teams to apply for the position of JLSC […]
The Aleph Item Process Status (IPS) in Aleph is sometimes misunderstood, as it is sometimes (but not always) more than a display field. The functionality built into some of the IPS is complex, so it will probably […]