What up fools! You ready to take an intimate look into my alter ego?.
I’d like to introduce y’all to my travel blog- 420drifter. Traveling is a subtle form of magic and capable of healing all kindred spirits. Just take me for example. I dropped out of high school in my last year, Trump elected, grandma died, boyfriend cheating on me, suicidally depressed, hospitalized, lost most of my “friends”. I decided to take a solo trip to Spain that changed the entire course of my life; made lifelong connections, fell in love, discovered truths about myself, fell out of love… The point is that there is an insatiable curiosity that we all have within us. We live in a world that purposefully sedates us to make us better consumers. How can we fight this? By following our own path. To accept who we are, decide where we […] “What up fools! You ready to take an intimate look into my alter ego?.”