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    Coach Artem

    Everyone is always in a hurry. In a rush to get to somewhere soon. Wonder if they know where they are going . Never a dull moment. Mind preoccupied. Anticipation rising. Instead of foresight it is often a feeling […]

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    Artem Altman changed their profile picture
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    Artem Altman's profile was updated
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    Coach Artem

    Shoveling snow a chore? It’s all about the mindset. Physical activity is something to look forward to. When one is not prepared physically in order to accomplish a task, then the task would undoubtedly appear to […]

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    Coach Artem

    One may only put off the inevitable. One may never escape it no matter how hard one tries.
    Ever since I had discovered that I was going to die, I began holding on to each second of life as if it were a precious […]

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    Coach Artem

    As the sun rises above the clouds, the day is about to begin, mind wanders. Is there a question that you would like answered? A question that is gnawing at you. Always in the back of your head. Keeping you up at […]

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    Coach Artem

    Today is temporary.
    This life is temporary.
    The only constant is change.

    Originally posted:

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    Coach Artem

    Who am I to steal Your magic?
    The innocent gleam in Your eye.
    To take away wonder would be tragic
    And something that I will not deny.

    At night You sleep, my heart You keep,
    I steal another good night kiss.
    In […]

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    Coach Artem

    What is the meaning of our existence
    If spark that is life is gone in an instant?
    Always a focus on a better tomorrow
    As a way to escape today’s sorrow.
    Look to escape all of this stress
    Live in the now of […]

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    Coach Artem

    This life must surely be a dream:
    That I am a cog in a machine.
    A tool in the workings of an economy,
    Connected in the back and front, you see
    I am a piece of lubed up machinery.

    This cannot be our destiny:
    To […]

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    Coach Artem

    Interviews are nerve-racking. There are many things to keep in mind and to prepare: research othe company, practice your answers (at least to the questions that you think you can prepare for). Then there is the […]

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    Coach Artem

    No words needed. Just the sound of the waves.

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    Coach Artem

    As I get older I realize that I will never have another second of my life back. Death does not worry me. It is inevitable that my body should cease it’s function. What scares me is regret and the idea that the […]

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    Coach Artem

    I do not need any congratulations for being a father. Neither and award or a sentimental ‘Happy Father’s Day’ are a pleasant sound to my ears. It is all so painful to see and hear. Because it is always a work on […]

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    Coach Artem

    We are not born in order to live in comfort, to spend all of our days sleeping comfortably while enveloped in the warmth of our feathery beds. What a bore life would be if all we had are luxuries and security. […]

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    Coach Artem

    Oftentimes my mind dwells on the past. I know. I know that it is useless,but I can’t help but to think, to wish that things had turned out differently. I wish that my dad and I had meaningful conversations on the […]

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    Coach Artem

    Knowledge is an eternal flame.

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  • Profile Photo

    Coach Artem

    What do you see when you look in the mirror? What about in the eyes of a stranger?







    Anything at all?

    To share one’s sorrows, fears and […]

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