A brougham was a horse-drawn carriage that had a roof, four wheels, and an open driver seat in the front. It was originally designed in 1838 by Henry Brougham who had been a former British officer who was a […]
In the novella, westerners are not seen as people that are capable to have much knowledge. They are frowned upon and also classified to be a low status person. For example, “The hotel, for all its sober state, w […]
A maid in the 19th century demonstrated the wealth of a family. If a family was of high status than a maid would be incorporated as a member. The work that the mistress could not get done at home is the one the […]
A brougham was a horse-drawn carriage that had a roof, four wheels, and an open driver seat in the front. It was used in the 1900’s by butlers who worked in high class families in order to take them to […]
A big sign of respect is demonstrated when speaking of men of high class. They knew that there are certain things that should not be spoken of because it can ruin their status and the way they are seen. In this […]
A Social custom is defined as an act that is adopted, or a behavior to people. A topic mentioned in New Year’s Day is when speaking on the Dutch keeping their tradition and having a big party for New Years D […]
The word generation is defined as a time period grouped by ten years. When looking at New Year’s Day an Old New York vs. a New New York is what determines Lizze Hazeldean’s affair with Henry Prest. She was of hig […]