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    Freshman English Composition Portfolio

    Reflective Essay on SemesterFor this semester I know for a bonafide fact I could have done better but due to circumstances throughout the semester I wasn’t at my best to absorb content or do work so this reflection will try to do its best to follow the guidelines. So for the course learning objectives I feel confident to say that I did most of the learning objectives for example at the beginning of this semester I made an effort to at least explore and analyze in both my writing and reading a variety of rhetorical situations like in MLK’s speech there are many examples of rhetoric such as repetitions and metaphors that reinforce how MLK’s speech was so influential in the first place. I also did develop more on my skills for drafting papers. Though the only course objective I would say I would have difficulties with is Locating research sources since I was absent for that lesson and sometimes the internet while yes a powerful tool but even so it may not have all your information and maybe for other assignments in other classes you’ll need sources from other things besides the internet like a book or a person so that may be something I have to look into. Rhetoric in this class was an eye-opener sort of thing for me to learn. All my life I had known what metaphors, similes,allusions, and more do but never understood in depth of why until now. For me Rhetoric is essentially a writer’s technical blueprint with each rhetorical device being used as a tool for whatever thing they want to convey within their writing. I also learned a lot about the history of cuny’s activism and movements particularly the one we reviewed in class about the protest for free tuition as well as the city college students in 1969 who protested for changes in the schools policies such as open admissions and black & latino studies. These students even went as far as occupying the South Campus causing students to be unable to attend class there. I want to better develop I guess my “cohesiveness” sometimes when I write I can see that I jump around alot and may stray away from my main points or just sound off in general and I just try my best to make it sound straight but maybe leave it weak in other parts of my writing so I want to be able to develop a way to be more streamlined and have my points and focus clearly be stated in my writing instead of it jumping around like Mario. For each of my main writing processes I would say they all went pretty much the same with the exception of the mini analysis paper and the inquiry paper.  The first paper was “This I no longer I believe” for this paper not much outlining was needed but this was my first college paper so I was more focused on achieving the length requirement and having a somewhat detailed personal story about something I no longer believe in. I decided to write on how my thoughts have changed on Fear and how it affects me especially if it was a strength or a weakness. Besides trying to explain how I adapt to “fear” I feel like this paper does alright. The second paper was “Rhetorical Analysis Mini Paper” . Now for this paper I’m not gonna lie I took my time with it since the time this was assigned was when I started to drop off this semester due to my reasons but anyways I made up for it. I outlined this by first choosing my topic for each of my paragraphs which for paragraph 1 I had it explain my social movement which was the George Floyd Protests and then for  paragraph 2 and 3 I explained and analyzed the rhetoric which I honestly think I may have used rhetorical devices to explain them with only saying Pathos worked in paragraph 2 and not in 3 so hopefully my point gets across that both use Pathos with paragraph 2 using slogans and catchphrases on posters in protests  and paragraph 3 Reverend Al Sharpton and just the social movement in general using Pathos as its main “rhetoric”. Lastly is the final paper itself besides this one which is the inquiry paper I decided to write about how gaming consoles influence the youth. I outlined my paragraphs by first introducing the topic then talking about gaming consoles and later talking about their advantages and disadvantages. The only real hard thing about this paper is gauging what you need per paragraph especially when it concerns your topic. For example my first two drafts were total busts since the information I needed to integrate together with my writing wasn’t enough to meet the length requir […] “Reflective Essay on Semester”

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    Freshman English Composition Portfolio

    Inquiry Paper: How Do Gaming Consoles Influence Youth?Video games have become a very popular source of entertainment and now have cultural significance surrounding it. With technology only increasing in power over time video games have only been performing and looking better and have become quite a nice way to waste your time (Trust me I know). As the gaming industry has grown, so has its influence on youth culture. The question of how gaming consoles influence the youth is a topic of much debate. Some argue that video games lead to antisocial behavior and violence, while others claim that they have positive effects, such as enhancing cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. In this paper, I aim to look for all the positives and negatives gaming may provide to those who love video games like me and finally see if the positives of gaming really do outweigh the negatives like I’ve been thinking this whole time. Gaming consoles have become a portal to different worlds, offering an escape from reality. This metaphor is particularly applicable to the youth, who often find themselves lost in the complexity and cruelty of modern-day society and honestly who can blame them! Gaming consoles provide a means of transcending the physical world and entering into a virtual one, where people can be whoever they want to be and do whatever they please. The sense of control and agency that video games provide is especially eye-catching to adolescents, who may feel powerless in their everyday lives due to their parents,bullies, school, etc. The power of video games to transport players into different realms or to just simply forget about reality for a while is a significant influence on the youth. The rise of video games has been compared to the growth of the film industry in the early 20th century. Just as films transformed society’s perception of entertainment, video games are influencing how youths interact with the media. Gaming consoles have become a part of popular culture, with many video game franchises becoming as recognizable as blockbuster movies. I mean nowadays everybody on this planet should at least know one video game character like Mario, Sonic, or Pac Man to name a few. In many ways, the gaming industry has become the modern-day equivalent of the movie industry, offering new forms of storytelling and entertainment (Play God of War and you’ll know what I mean). Gaming consoles can be compared to a double-edged sword, with both positive and negative effects on the youth. On the one hand, video games can promote cognitive development and problem-solving skills, as well as provide a sense of community and social connection. On the other hand, gaming consoles have been linked to aggressive behavior, addiction, and decreased academic performance. Just as a sword can be used for both offense and defense, gaming consoles can be both beneficial and harmful to the youth. The popularity of gaming consoles has exploded in recent years, with some claiming that they are taking over the world and honestly, I hope that’s true. While this may be a complete exaggeration, there is no denying the impact that gaming consoles have had on youth culture. In 2022, the video game industry generated over $60 billion in revenue, surpassing the global box office and music industries combined. This hyperbole highlights the sheer size and power of the gaming industry and its influence on the youth I mean I still to this day buy old retro gaming consoles to add them to my collection before they get crazy expensive due to their “vintageness” and due the fact that companies no longer produce them due to new consoles being developed. Violence in video games and its effect on youth has been a controversial topic since the dawn of gaming. Many Critics argue that violence in video games promotes aggression and antisocial behavior, while supporters claim that there is little to no data that supports their opponent’s claim. The repetition of this debate highlights the importance of the issue and the need for further research into the effects of gaming consoles on the youth. It is ironic that gaming consoles are often associated with social isolation and disconnection when they can also promote socialization and community. Online gaming has created a sense of camaraderie and unity among players, with some forming long lasting friendships and even romantic relationships. It’s really amazing what you can encounter online. While gaming consoles can be used for individual entertainment, they can also be a means of connection for the youth. In fact it’s how I made friends and how I bonded with others during my early youth. The effects of video games on the youth are varied and complex, with both many positive and negative impacts depending on the individual. In this section, we will explore some of the ways in which video games influence the youth . Let’s start with the many positive impacts they can provide. The positive effects of video games on cognitive abilities have been widely researched and you’ve probably heard that some games can actually help you learn better. A study by Bavelier and Green (2019) found that action video games can improve visual attention, mental rotation, spatial resolution, and cognitive control. These abilities are important in many everyday activities, such as driving, reading maps, and identifying objects in cluttered environments which if you’re anything like me you’ll be glad you play video games and have honed these abilities. In addition, video games have also been shown to enhance problem-solving skills. A study by Granic et al. (2014) found that playing video games can improve children’s problem-solving abilities and creativity. They argue that video games provide a unique opportunity for children to practice problem-solving in a safe and engaging way. I have only seen a few of these games in my youth but do remember certain games helping me out with math problems as I played which in turn gave me a better understanding of mah. Another positive effect of video games is their potential to promote physical activity and exercise. With the rise of motion-based gaming consoles such as the Nintendo Wii and Xbox Kinect or even VR games like the Oculus, video games have become a form of physical activity. A study by Peng and Crouse (2013) found that playing motion-based video games led to significant increases in energy expenditure and heart rate compared to traditional sedentary(spending too much sitting or being inactive) video games. This suggests that video games can be used as a means of promoting physical activity and reducing sedentary behavior for the youth. Moreover, video games that promote physical activity can provide an alternative to traditional sports, making them more accessible to youth who may not enjoy or have access to sports facilities. Video games can also provide many social benefits that you may not be able to learn on your own. A study by Williams et al. (2006) found that online gaming can provide a sense of community and social support for players. This is particularly important for youth who may struggle to find social connections in traditional settings like in school or just generally have a hard time talking to people in person. To add to the social benefits, video games can also promote teamwork and cooperation. A study by Vogel et al. (2006) found that playing video games with others can improve communication and problem-solving skills, as well as promote social bonding. This can be particularly beneficial for youth who may struggle with social skills and building relationships as mentioned earlier. Video games can provide a safe and supportive environment for youth to explore different identities and aspects of themselves. This is particularly true for LGBTQ+ youth, who may not feel safe expressing their identities in traditional settings out of fear of being judged for it. A study by Consalvo and Dutton (2006) found that LGBTQ+ youth often use video games as a way to explore their gender and sexual identities. They argue that video games provide a unique opportunity for youth to experiment with different identities and roles without fear of judgment or negative consequences since it’s a video game and not reality. Lastly, video games can be a tool for education and learning as mentioned earlier. Video games that focus on educational content such as “Minecraft:Education Edition” or online game sites with the intended purpose of teaching something have been found to promote learning and cognitive development. A study by Barab et al. (2007) found that video games designed to teach history were effective in promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. Similarly, video games that focus on science and mathematics can improve students’ knowledge and understanding of these subjects. By using engaging and interactive game mechanics, video games have the potential to make learning more enjoyable and effective for youth. These are the many positives of gaming but what about their negatives? Gaming addiction is a growing concern and a personal big negative that I see at times, with some individuals (like myself) spending excessive amounts of time playing video games at the cost of losing time on other very important activities such as school, work, and socialization. A study by Gentile et al. (2011) found that 8.5% of American youth are addicted to video games. Furthermore, video game addiction has also been associated with a range of negative outcomes, including poor academic performance, social isolation, and mental health issues. A study by Przybylski et al. (2010) found that excessive video game use was associated with depression, anxiety, and lower life satisfaction. While playing every day is fun it can cause you to lose sight of your real problems hence why whenever “addicts” stop playing they feel bored or apathetic about their life. The link between violence in video games and aggressive behavior has been a controversial topic in the research community. While some studies have found a correlation between playing violent video games and increased aggression, others have not found a significant link that definitively proves that violence in video games does indeed cause aggressive behavior. A meta-analysis by Ferguson (2015) found that the link between violent video games and aggression is weak and inconsistent. He argues that other factors, such as personality traits and family environment, may play a more significant role in determining aggressive behavior showing that violence in video games isn’t the main component that causes aggressive behavior. However, it is important to note that some studies have actually found a significant link between violent video games and aggression. A longitudinal study by Anderson et al. (2010) found that playing violent video games was associated with increased aggressive behavior over time. Though it is important to remember that not all youths are likely to respond the same way as those in the study as even I can admit everyone reacts differently to video games and quite literally any other experiences like rollercoasters. Another negative is that excessive gaming can lead to decreased academic performance. A study by Kirschner and Karpinski (2010) found that students who spent more time playing video games had lower grades and were less engaged in school than those who spent less time playing. I am a victim of this behavior too. Sometimes you just can’t stop playing or you straight up just don’t want to because you know what awaits in reality. In addition to that, excessive gaming can also lead to a lack of sleep, which can further impact academic performance which is something not everyone can relate to. A study by Weaver et al. (2010) found that students who spent more time playing video games were more likely to have irregular sleep patterns and shorter sleep durations. The study also found that students who reported poor sleep quality had lower academic performance, as measured by GPA. Lack of sleep can affect a student’s ability to concentrate, retain information, and perform well on exams. Therefore, if gaming habits are causing students to have insufficient sleep, it can have a negative impact on their academic performance. While video games have been shown to have some positive effects on cognitive and social development, they can surprisingly also have negative impacts on physical health. One of the main concerns is the fact that you sit around a lot while gaming which can lead to a lack of physical activity and obesity. A study by Duvivier et al. (2018) found that adults who spent more time playing video games had a higher risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome, even after controlling for other factors such as diet and exercise. This is particularly concerning for the youth, as they are still developing their habits and behaviors around physical activity and if they are not careful or have any sort of supervision they can easily impair them. Video games can also influence youth’s social behavior, both positively and negatively. On one hand, video games can provide a sense of community and belonging, as discussed previously. However, they can also contribute to social isolation and negative social behavior. A study by Wang et al. (2018) found that playing violent video games was associated with increased aggressive behavior and decreased prosocial behavior, such as helping others. They argue that exposure to violent content can desensitize individuals to real-life violence and make them more likely to engage in aggressive behavior though this sort of research is ,like the aggressive study, only applicable to some youth as not every youth is likely to react the same way as those in this study. Moreover, video games can also contribute to the perpetuation of negative stereotypes and discrimination. A study by Ivory and Kalyanaraman (2007) found that video games often reinforce gender and racial stereotypes, which can contribute to negative attitudes and behaviors toward marginalized groups. The online gaming community can also at times just be extremely toxic and straight up also reinforce gender and racial stereotypes because the people in the community just feel like it and enjoy it. The impact of video games on sleep as mentioned earlier is a growing concern, particularly for youth who may be more prone to the negative effects of sleep deprivation (Which sucks and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody). A study by Dworak et al. (2007) found that playing video games before bedtime can lead to decreased sleep quality and quantity. Moreover, the blue light emitted by digital screens can actually suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sle, making it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. A study by Chang et al. (2015) found that exposure to blue light from digital screens before bedtime can delay the onset of sleep and decrease sleep quality. This is why it is recommended to not use your phone or play games before bed as using your phone or gaming device will just be giving you a face full of blue light which means a harder time sleeping and worse quality of sleep. In conclusion, gaming consoles have a significant influence on the youth, both positive and negative. While they can enhance cognitive abilities and promote socialization, they can also lead to addiction, aggressive behavior, and decreased academic performance. As the gaming industry continues to grow, it is important to research and be mindful of the impact of video games as well as supervise our youths activities relating to their gaming consoles as it can be a great way to bond with them and it can easily prevent the multitude of negatives discussed above. It is by understanding the complex ways in which gaming consoles influence the youth, that we can then better promote healthy and p […] “Inquiry Paper: How Do Gaming Consoles Influence Youth?”

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    Freshman English Composition Portfolio

    Rhetorical Analysis Mini PaperThe George Floyd Protests was a social movement to remember in 2020. The George Floyd Protests were a series of police brutality protests that began in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd. This one death caused a global outcry for racism as well as police brutality which caused the movement to begin to grow internationally through word of mouth and social media and soon everyone from all kinds of backgrounds such as LGBT activists, Black Lives Matter supporters, as well as many general anti-racist supporters began protesting to prevent this injustice to happening to others particularly people of color as well as addressing the other many issues the US has been facing like police brutality . This caused the George Floyd movement to become one of the largest racial injustice protests in the US since the Civil Rights Movement and establishing Black Lives Matter as a worldwide movement. In this paper I aim to review examples that used rhetoric during this particular social movement and discuss how it was effective and interesting. The first being the use of poster signs during protests containing many slogans and catchphrases such as “Black Lives Matter”, “I can’t breathe”, “No justice, no peace”, and “Say their names”. This rhetoric allowed protestors which would be our speakers/rhetors to send powerful messages to those present at the protests and those who come across the signs by condensing the issues they wish to address into concise messages that could easily be repeated and understood. For example, for “Say their names” the phrase refers to the individuals that lost their lives due to incidents involving law enforcement. The speaker’s main message here is meant to literally continue saying the names of the individuals that lost their lives to acknowledge their individuality, and to prevent their stories from being forgotten or reduced to mere statistics. It serves as a call to remember and honor those who have suffered and to draw attention to the need for justice, accountability, and systemic change. The slogans and catchphrases used on the posters also utilize Pathos since each message is bound to have some emotional response or awareness due to its relation to the complex issues.For example “I can’t breathe” refers to what many have seen online when George Floyd painfully said as he was pinned down unjustly by a police officer by the name of Derek Chauvin so when hearing that phrase many individuals will think of what happened of George Floyd and will likely feel outraged and depending on the individual maybe feel even compelled to help contribute to solve the issue. The next use of rhetoric I found interesting was Reverend Al Sharpton’s eulogy at George Floyd’s Funeral which employed rhetoric that included powerful calls to action, aiming to mobilize the audience and advocate for change. As the speaker, Reverend Sharpton delivered a passionate and impactful speech, using his position as a renowned civil rights activist and minister to amplify the message. His argument centered around the urgency of addressing systemic racism and police brutality. Reverend Sharpton called upon the audience, which consisted of mourners, activists, and supporters, to give each a chance to channel their grief and anger into tangible action. He emphasized the need for sustained activism, urging individuals to participate in protests, engage in voter registration, demand policy reforms, and hold elected officials accountable. By urging the audience to transform their emotions into concrete action, Reverend Sharpton aimed to inspire a movement that would challenge the status quo, address racial injustice, and effect lasting change which in my opinion did as the George Floyd movement is still one movement that I and many others around the world would like to remember since it seemed to be the one movement the entire world can agree should 100% be supported and be in unison for at the time.  Overall, the George Floyd Protests show the full power of rhetoric in a social movement, allowing individuals to unite together, raise awareness, and demand justice. The movement’s ability to captivate global attention and inspire millions of people to take a stand against racial injustice underscores its significance and lasting impact. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and the power of collective action to bring about meaningful […] “Rhetorical Analysis Mini Paper”

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    Freshman English Composition Portfolio

    This I No Longer Believe: Fear weakness or strength?To begin I would like to reflect on my belief of fear throughout my life, as children we all typically have something we fear, usually, it’s as simple as “monsters”, snakes, or clowns. In my case, I found myself mainly being afraid of the dark. I remember always dreading heading to my bed or my room, especially nearing nighttime. My mother was kind enough to tuck me in at least once for me to fall asleep. Ironically I love to sleep and still do to this day but I guess it just takes more for me to be able to feel like I can. So of course I had to find ways to “distract” myself into sleeping since I was finding more and more that I just for the life of me not sleep in a room by myself, especially in the dark. My “distractions” were what was around me at the time which happened to be a TV with cable playing all sorts of shows that absorbed all of my attention. TV at that time set me up for what now is my current taste for shows and movies which are the usual like action, sci-fi, and comedy. But I loved Disney movies most of all at those times since they were extremely colorful and told great stories. Watching TV and playing Nintendo DS during the day and the night were some of the fondest memories I have. It was only when School came that everything for me started to change. School was extremely difficult for me at the time and even later on since I would want to procrastinate and watch my shows or play games instead of my work. It was a place that made me discover new kinds of fears, especially concerning people around at times. To me, school was something I would rather do than anything else but work every weekday for many months and realistically get nothing out of it in my mind. To me schools are the only positive that it has is it creates a nice social area for everybody around and is almost guaranteed to meet someone who shares similar interests with you. It’s the only reason I am grateful for school now, not more so for the education but for the people I met along the way. With only school being the most prominent thing in my life I became tired of what seemed to be the massive “cycle” that we call our life in the sense of what was in it. That feeling honestly made me fear that my future will consist of more being tired and upset at the way things are. I didn’t want to live my life like a 9-5 worker or a “normal” life I just wish for my life to be something sweet and something that has consistent things that I know will make me happy for a lifetime but also at the same time have some sort of lasting worth to the world. Of course, everybody would like to know what they’d like to do for their future which makes me envy the many people who seem to have that luxury already just on their minds. The future for me was fearful to me as well since I tend to feel pressured every time someone asks me something about the future that I am not sure about, especially when it comes to careers since I still am not sure about my passions yet. During my high school years I recall myself being more eager and on top of myself but slowly stagnated as time went on. Then the pandemic struck which at first made me happy that I would be in school in the comfort of my own home. But later on, as I let time pass to my junior year I started to think to myself that maybe I could have used my time better or achieved more for myself. I started to think that I was living down on my potential since I knew I could do better but I would not pace myself to allow myself to live up to that “potential” due to all this negative thinking. I am glad to write that I have loved ones that do support me and help me when I feel unsure or scared about something. Having people that genuinely care for you can be a great reminder reassurance that you are not alone. Now that I am nearing my adulthood and entering my first few weeks of college as corny as it is I want to learn to be with myself a bit more and to of course learn to cope with moving on step by step. This starts with me now believing that going through fear is worth it. Fear to me is a paralyzing and perception-changing feeling. I have always seen myself afraid of certain things but never realized just how much more those things show up, especially in life. I could be afraid of the future all I want but there is no real point to be afraid of it now. Fear, while also usually felt with anxiety can be overcome only if you wish to change how you manage the Fear which would therefore make life easier. I believe fear is worth it to me because it’s a double-edged sword you either manage it or don’t. Fear is ironically designed to keep you safe just in the most unpleasant feeling way but being able to admit it to yourself and control it bit by bit can make fear part of your strength. I even now feel a bit scared of the length of this paper since I managed to procrastinate a bit with this paper I already had a few potential beliefs I could write about. But I can admit that the first college paper is already a bit of a change of the work in the past. This just tells me that I should expect to write more than what usually expect to write. I’ll hopefully challenge or make a goal for the next time something is due since it seems the length of certain tasks might have been more than I expected. I also am working a little slow on the materials but hopefully I will get them soon for each class and then I can work on my goal to m […] “This I No Longer Believe: Fear weakness or strength?”

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    Freshman English Composition Portfolio

    Portfolio           Welcome to the Final Portfolio Assignment!!