Public Group active 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Writing Resistance – Fall 2020

Class announcements and Discussion Forum



  • Dear class-

    Given the number of questions about Essay #3, I have decided to add a peer review workshop to the class schedule to ensure you receive feedback from me and your peers before submitting your final draft. See updated class schedule attached. 

    To clarify, your submission for this essay should include: 

    • TWO compositions in TWO different genres catered to your audience(s)
    • A rationale for each genre (500 – 750 words total) that orients your reader to the purpose of your work and its significance to your audience. Refer to sample essays on Assignment Sheet for guidance

    DUE DEC 1ST at 11:59PM

    ESSAY #3 FIRST DRAFT (Blackboard)

    Note: Submissions received after the due date will NOT receive written feedback from the instructor. See instructions below. 

    1. In the Blackboard course module, scroll to Essay Assignments on the left hand menu and click on Essay #3.
    2. In the content area, select Essay #3 First Draft + Peer Review Group. Scroll to and select the peer review group in which you are enrolled.
    3. Under Group Tools, select Group Blog. Then, select Create Blog Entry to begin crafting your post.
    4. Upload your files to your blog entry. Be sure to give your post a title. 
    5. Click Post to finish.



    Use the questions from the Evaluation Rubric at the end of the Assignment Sheet to craft your response. Refer to this handout on How to Respond in Helpful Ways to a Peer’s Draft for additional support. 

    • Go to your Group Blog on Blackboard and read each of your group members’ first drafts. Be sure to take notes on the writer’s main strengths and weaknesses.
    • Comment on each of your group members blog entries with your peer review feedback (100-150 words for each draft)

    Finally, due to the Thanksgiving holiday, my office hours for this Friday are canceled. However, I will host make-up office hours next Wednesday 12/2 from 12:30-1:30pm

    In addition, I will host a Zoom workshop on Friday 12/4 @ 12:30pm to review the requirements for your Final Portfolio and teach you how to create a website on the Academic Commons. Attendance is optional, however those of you who make it will receive extra credit and get a significant head start on your final assignment. 

    As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns.

    Happy Holidays!


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