Public Group active 1 year, 7 months ago

WordPress HELP!!

This group is for neophytes to WordPress who are trying to use it as a Bbd alternative and have questions that “everyone knows” the answers to already. Except those who don’t. Quick answers to specific questions is what I envision here, so we can set up our courses without spending hours trying to find out a simple answer. Of course, we NEED EXPERTS in the group to actually answer the questions. All experts and neophytes please join this group!!


Customize theme installation

  • Hello everyone:

    I need to get under the hood of a WP theme I activated for a group blog. Is it possible to do this? I don’t see the area where you can normally access php/header/footer files in the dashboard.

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  • The text widget does not work. I think because wordpress does not allow “iframe” and “object”, the codes automatically disappear after I click “save”. The same is for Google calendar, unless we have special WPNG Calendar widget for Google Calendar. But I am not sure if there is another way around it or if we can set up to allow these functions.

    Hi – Not sure about the Meebo – I tried and the text widget was stripped out. There is a “WordPress Google Calendars” plugin available. After installing, you need to configure it in the settings tab on the dashboard. I believe you also need to set you google calendar to be shared. There is a separate thread for this one. I will look for it.

    check out this thread for details concerning google calendar –

    Thanks, Scott. I got Google calendar widget working, but not the Meebo, though.

    Not sure if there are networking concerns with Meebo on the Commons – Matt or Boone would know best. I noticed that there is a “Meebo Me” wordpress plugin available – you might request that and the dev team will evaluate whether it’s feasible. Probably be best to start a new topic for Meebo if you want to pursue this.

    Thanks, Scott. I found the Meebo Me plugin for WordPress and am going to put in a request for this widget. Thanks again.

    I have a dilemma here.

    I set up the menu bar background gray and font color blue. When a button is hovered, its background is set to blue and font color to white. When I move the mouse to its sub menu, the main menu button background should remain blue and font color white, but the font color changed back to blue because it is not hovered anymore. Any way to redefined it to white? Here is the blog:

    Here is the css code under Add HTML/CSS Inserts.
    /* Menu Bars */
    div#menu1 ul.rMenu {
    background: transparent;}

    /* Adjustments for the menu bars, which in their default state have 1px borders plus -1px margins to avoid 1+1=2px borders between neighbor items. */

    ul.rMenu-hor ul, ul.rMenu-hRight ul { margin-top: 4px; background-color: #1b336f; color: #ffffff;}
    ul.rMenu-hor li { margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 0px; }
    ul.rMenu-hor { padding-left: 0px; }
    ul.rMenu-ver li { margin-top: 0px; }

    div#menu1 ul.rMenu li a, div#menu2 ul.rMenu li a {
    padding: 8px 15px 8px 15px; }

    /* different padding for parents with arrow image */
    div#menu1 ul.rMenu li.rMenu-expand a, div#menu2 ul.rMenu li.rMenu-expand a {
    padding: 8px 16px 8px 16px !important;
    background-position: 97% 50% !important;}

    /* less padding for children with arrow image */
    div#menu1 ul.rMenu li.rMenu-expand li a, div#menu2 ul.rMenu li.rMenu-expand li a {
    padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px !important;
    background-position: 97% 50% !important;
    text-transform: lowercase;
    background: #1b336f;

    ul#rmenu {

    div#menu1 {
    height: 18px;}


    Another question: how to upload images to /atahualpa/images/ ? When I upload an image, I do Media > Add New > Find the image and Upload. It tells me on the screen that the image will be saved to This path cannot be changed to /atahualpa/images. Did I miss anything?

    Hi – You need to upload your media Media>Add New – but you need to use the naming convention as described in the Codex –

    Changing the Rotating Images

    By default, Atahualpa looks in your upload media folders for files using the naming convention “atahualpa_header_x” where “x” is an integer. So, if you upload images “atahualpa_header_3” and “atahualpa_header_5,” the theme will cycle through these two images. If no files in your upload folders meet this naming convention, Atahualpa will use the three default, floral images found in its “/images/header” folder. Commons users don’t have access to “/images/header” folder and need to use their upload media folders to change the rotating images.

    Thanks, Scott. I am trying to upload a logo and it says I should upload the logo to /atahualpa/images/ . Could you please let me know how to upload an image to that directory?

    Commons users don’t have access to /atahualpa/images/ , but the plugin will look in your upload media folder, if you use the naming convention – atahualpa_header_x” where “x” is an integer, and it will grab those images for the rotator.

    If you mean the logo image (not the rotator) –

    for the logo backaground you can use something like this:
    background-image: url(

    and for the logo itself, just use the fully qualified url, starting with http://

    Thanks, Scott. I got it.

    Anyone tried to float a picture to left or right on a page? I tried to float a photo, but the float function does not work. Any ideas? I did put in style=”float: right;”

    The theme is Atahualpa 3.5.3. I checked with another theme. It works. Should I define it in Atahualpa 3.5.3 somewhere or this is a bug I should report?

    Hi – Are you just trying to position an image on a regular page? There are some built-in CSS classes that do alignleft, aligncenter, and alignright that you can access from your media library before you click “Insert into Post.” I just tried in Atahualpa 3.5.3 and it worked fine for me.

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