Public Group active 5 years, 1 month ago

TSC: Mentoring Students of Color

In this Teaching Scholarship Circle (TSC), a four-session forum of roundtable discussions, we will grapple with the difficult issue of mentoring students of color. With the spate of violence against people of color over the past few years, and on the heels of the recent presidential election in which aspects of race were front and center, this issue has never been more important. Who are students of color? What does it mean to be “of color”? And how can we, in an educational environment, better aide these students in their academic journeys? We will discuss all of these issues, and more, in this TSC.


mentoring students of color

  • Hi Folks,

    I just wanted to thank you all for the resources and the great discussion.  Maybe I missed it, but did we discuss the profile of a “traditional” student?  I appreciate what James said about the “nontraditional” student as the common student in some settings.

    James, thank you also for the framework for thinking about moving from the mentee to the mentor…I see my own experiences reflected under the “psychology of scholarly exclusion” and the “inferiority complexes” section, particularly as it relates to agency in the classroom.  I am curious about resistance efforts students of color make to this imposed domination of whiteness…I am curious how it is addressed in the literature.

    I just wanted to get my thoughts out before the busy-ness of life kicks in for the week.  I’m looking forward our next session.

    Phillip, if at all possible, can you do a “Round 2?” of this TSC?  :  )  This scholarly circle is providing such an awesome opportunity for shared inquiry.  Thanks again!  nadine

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  • Thanks for this Nadine!  Yes, it’s a great group.  It’s nice to be able to discuss these issues, issues that one so rarely gets to discuss in a group forum.  Let’s see how we can keep our work alive after the TSC ends.

    Thanks, Ricardo, for posting that source as well.

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