Public Group active 2 months, 2 weeks ago

The Group for Group Admins

A meta-group for all of the Commons’ group admins so that the CUNY Academic Commons team can share information and keep you updated about changes to the site (and especially the Group interface). This group will also provide a way for us to get feedback from you about features you’d like to see added and ways we can improve the Group functionality.


  • Off boarding for a site administrator

    I am posting this here, in case others may find it useful or may have their experience to share. My employment ends at LAGCC on June 30, 2021 and will not be employed at any other CUNY colleges. I am a graduate of Queens College so I had my CUNYFirst ID before working at LAGCC and life-time Queens College email. I created the NSD OER site( with my LAGCC email and have been the lead administrator. There are others who I have added as administrators and we have added many other editors. I have also created some other sites on the Commons.

    For all the sites that I have created:

    1. What happens to my access once my employment ends? Will it be automatic and when will it take place?
    2. As an alumni of Queens College, can I still maintain the sites that I have created? If so, do I just change the email used to the Queens college email or some other?

    For the NSD OER site:

    1. We have a new lead administrator selected and I plan to change the email for the administrator on the site to the new lead administrator. Is there anything else I should know or do?
    2. What happens to the reusable blocks and pages that I have authored? Do the other administrators have the same rights as I with regard to them, so they can modify my reusable blocks and pages?

    There may be other things that I should know or do to terminate and transition the site, so if you have a checklist or some documentation that would be much appreciated. Thank you.


    Van Bich T Tran

    Open Educational Resources and Open Access Adjunct Librarian

    Library Department

    La Guardia Community College<>


    31-10 Thomson Avenue, Room E201-Faculty Suite

    Long Island City, NY 11101?

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  • Dear Van,

    Sorry to hear that you are leaving CUNY — thank you for all that you have
    contributed to the Commons!!

    We do not delete accounts unless asked to by users, and even then our
    preference is for users to delete their own accounts if possible.

    What this means is that you will retain full access to your sites, and to
    your Commons account, after you leave CUNY. If your account is currently
    associated with a CUNY email address, you should change it to something you
    can access after that email address no longer works.

    You can also make other changes to your sites (ie, adding additional
    admins) before you leave if you want. Rather than just adding a new email
    address, I would invite the new administrator to the site and assign them
    the admin role. They should then be able to make changes to content blocks
    you have authored.

    Info on deleting accounts:

    How Do I Delete My Account?

    Info on changing your email address:

    Changing Your Commons Email Address

    Invite others to a site:

    Invite Others to Join a Group or Site

    Please let us know whether you have any other questions.


    Director, CUNY Academic Commons

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