Post/link your slide of Audience, Summary and Theme here. Then provide a short recommendation of the book for your classmates.
For this assignment, it is expected that you review ALL of your classmates’ submissions and provide feedback to all.
Hi Brian
I’m glad you chose this book because I’ve read it. My favorite story out of those 3 was the worm of Kulkaras but in general, I was so happy to return to Alagaësia and some of the characters although I’d wished the book would have been longer.
Hi Kaitlyn,
I really like your slide, which seems like a poster and has a clear summary of the book. From your introduction, I can see that this book has a solid emotional color, which is the type of book I liked. I will read this book in my spare time. And through your description, I also know that this novel’s scene is on the sea and during World War II, which makes me think that this novel’s content must be wonderful and stimulating.
Hi Ariana
I enjoyed reading your slide. Beautiful color and layout! I’ve heard of the book, but I’ve never read it. After I read your slide, I regret not having read it. Because of your description, I think it’s going to be a book that sends a great message about being true to yourself and standing up for what you believe in.
I recommend reading Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys. If you enjoyed reading our last book, Between Shades of Gray, you would also enjoy reading this book as well. Just like with Between Shades of Gray, where Sepetys explores the hidden history of the Lithuanians, she does the same in this book as well. In the Fountains of Silence, Sepetys explores the hidden history of Spain after the Spanish Civil War when the people were under Generalissimo Franco’s dictatorship. This book dwells on the importance of family and courage to speak up and reveal the secrets that the government is so badly trying to conceal.
Hi Safa
You did a good job! I like the color and picture you chose. The Grace Year was a great book with a lot of powerful messages, but it did get a bit intense and there were some very violent scenes. Overall, the plot was spectacular, but make sure that you can handle intense books before you read the Grace Year.
Hi Rachell
Reading your slide, I really liked the themes you mentioned in the book, both accurate and realistic. Also, as students read the book, they can discuss these themes and put forward their own ideas. I like the book’s message; we need to keep real and face everything with strong efforts.
Hi Susan
Same as you, I really like reading this book.This is a great book that raises many questions for discussion. It has good historical detail and is based on the stories of different refugees from the time periods covered. It helps create international mindedness and think about global events and learn more about the world around us.
The link to my Google Slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iJr16Uc3cM0oj0Ma-Ew83J4x7AUciw90ywUltGuUMbI/edit?usp=sharing
I recommend reading Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys. If you enjoyed reading our last book, Between Shades of Gray, you would also enjoy reading this book as well. Just like with Between Shades of Gray, where Sepetys explores the hidden history of the Lithuanians, she does the same in this book as well. In the Fountains of Silence, Sepetys explores the hidden history of Spain after the Spanish Civil War when the people were under Generalissimo Franco’s dictatorship. This book dwells on the importance of family and courage to speak up and reveal the secrets that the government is so badly trying to conceal.
Hi Zizhen,
I really liked the layout of your ATS! It was clear, but still creative. You were also able to fit so much detail into just a few sentences. I always struggle with that part! I especially liked what you wrote about for your theme. It is a very interesting take on stealing. Great ATS!
Hi Tatiana
I appreciate your recommendation of the book. Since you mentioned this book is geared towards high school students, I think teenagers will read it and enjoy it. It’s essential for people to know that how words and actions can hurt others. I think it would a book with educational value.
Hi Rachel,
I like how you made your background stripes like the “pajamas.” I saw this movie when I was in school and I remember it being a very good movie that shows a very dark period in history, but in a non-graphic, violent way. I am interested in reading the book now, especially after reading your recommendation. I wonder what the similarities/differences will be between the novel and the movie.
Hi Caroline,
I have not read the book or seen the movie Wonder, but I have heard great things. I like the theme you chose because I think readers of all ages understand the importance of friendship. I especially like how you pointed out that having friends can get people through difficult times and I think this is a good concept to discuss with middle schoolers and high schoolers.
Through your description of this book, I am very interested in this book. The story seems to have a great sense of suspense. I like reading this kind of book very much, so I will definitely go to read it.
Hi Erin,
I think your hook and lede are both grabbing and got me interested right away. As someone who does not consider themselves a risk taker, I think reading this would be interesting for me. It would make me consider the things I would want to do on my last day if I knew it was my last day. Thanks for the recommendation!
Hi Kaitlyn
I really like your visual! This is one of my favorite books. It made the events and the lives of the refugees caught in the middle come to life. You are able to see the worry and the suffering these people went through. Also, you get an accurate portrait of the cruelty perpetrated against innocent people. There is the usual violence that goes with war, but the book leaves you with the notion that the human spirit is something that is stronger and more hopeful than you’ve ever imagined.
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