A group emerging from the Renaissance Studies Certificate Program with the aim of creating an interdisciplinary network of scholars working in the Renaissance/Early Modern.
FOLGER INSTITUTE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS FOR 2020-2021 http://www.folger.edu/institute/fellowships
The Folger Shakespeare Library is embarking on a major renovation project to commence in early 2020. While this work is u […]
I’m writing to inform you all about a fellowship opportunity at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the 2020-2021 session. The fellowships are full time and paid.
All are invited to attend a talk by Christine Sukic of the University of Rheims, “Shakespeare, Jankélévitch, and the Aesthetics of the Ineffable,” to be held in the Comp Lit Lounge at 4pm on Frida […]
The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing (SHARP) will sponsor up to four panels at the Renaissance Society of America’s annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA on 2-4 April, 2020. SHARP @ RSA brings together scholars working on any aspect of the creation, dissemination, and reception of manuscript and print and their digital r…[Read more]
The PublicsLab is hiring a part-time College Assistant/Program Coordinator to begin in August 2019. The position pays $21-23.57 per hour, commensurate with experience, for 20 hours a week, with access to health in […]
The Advising Fellow Program aims to provide vital academic support to students in the MA in Liberal Studies (MALS) program while they study at the Graduate Center. MALS is lo […]
Please join us on July 10 for a lecture on Giorgione’s La Vecchia by John Paoletti, renowned scholar of Italian Renaissance art. The rare loan of the painting from the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice brin […]
Students may register online for these courses, they are listed in the course schedule under “Professional Development”. Course numbers are listed below.
The courses are 0 credits and do not appear on stude […]
Please submit proposals for our panels at RSA in Philadelphia. As an Associate Organization, our program will have two guaranteed sessions—this is fewer than previously; the RSA now apportions them according to t […]