When we talk about student-centered teaching, we often forget to look at our students and the circumstances that influence their learning. In this seminar, we will connect students’ experiences of systemic oppression, neurodiversity, and trauma with student-centered pedagogies and trauma and resilience research. As we respond to deepening our understanding of how systemic oppressions, neurodiversity, and trauma can undermine and disrupt successful learning, we will practice facilitation skills, strengthen our working memories, and learn practical activities to establish stability, increase capacity, become appropriately flexible, and create positive communities for our students while accelerating their critical thinking development and academic success.

When responding to Forum posts, please use the post corresponding to your group:

Group A:
• Skye Roper-Moses, Sociology
• Marina Kumskova, Political Science
• Kenn Vance, Political Science
• Esther Kreider-Verhalle, Sociology

Group B:
• Iralma Pozo, Public Management/Accounting
• Mohammad Islam, Mathematics & Computer Science
• Hermann Walz, Law & Police Science
• Nicholas Morano, Sciences

Group C:
• Madhura Bandyopadhyay, English
• Monica Colbert, English
• Mengia Tschalaer, Anthropology
• Aniko Szucs, Communication & Theatre Arts

Practical Teaching for Resilient Learning Seminar 2021-22

Group logo of Practical Teaching for Resilient Learning Seminar 2021-22

This is a private group. To join you must be a registered site member and request group membership.