Public Group active 6 days, 3 hours ago

Open at CUNY

A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship.

Group avatar includes the Open Access Publishing logo designed by PLoS and available on Wikipedia, and was created by Monica Berger, City Tech.

Possible CUE Conference proposal

From the proposal website (

Please provide a thesis, a summary of the specific project to be presented, and indicate which conference theme you are addressing. Proposals should not exceed 750 words.

This year’s conference will feature an expanded focus on undergraduate education. Of particular interest are innovative and/or successful approaches that:

  • Expand high impact practices (e.g., learning communities, undergraduate research, writing-intensive courses, service learning, study abroad, and internships)
  • Enhance the First Year Experience
  • Internationalize the curriculum
  • Expand the use of effective teaching/ learning technologies
  • Integrate co- and extra-curricular activities and/or partnerships with Student Affairs
  • Implement innovative faculty development programs and improve pedagogy
  • Increase retention and graduation rates
  • Promote mastery of outcomes in developmental education
  • Improve outcomes in gateway and other targeted courses (e.g., STEM)
  • Enhance assessment practices
  • Improve academic advisement

Proposals on other topics of interest will also be accepted.