[DL.1/31/14]2014 Summer Research Institute (SRI) Announcement and Application Instructions
Posted by Francis Yannaco on November 14, 2013 at 12:39 am
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2014 Summer Research Institute (SRI)
Announcement and Application Instructions
The National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN) will sponsor its 21st Summer Research Institute (SRI) for child maltreatment researchers on the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, New York on June 9-13, 2014. The Institute will be an intensive experience in secondary data analysis that combines colloquia with hands-on computing time. Participants are selected on a competitive basis from a variety of disciplines including psychology, social work, and medicine. The primary goal of the Institute is to facilitate secondary analysis projects from which researchers can publish their findings. In addition, the Institute will provide child maltreatment researchers an invaluable opportunity for networking and collaboration.
Overview of Institute Activities
The NDACAN Summer Research Institute (SRI) promotes the use of Archive datasets and encourages publication of research findings. Prior to the Institute, each participant begins a secondary analysis project on an NDACAN dataset. During the Institute, participants refine their analysis plans and resolve technical problems with the NDACAN staff as well as with computing and statistical consultants. Analysis support is provided by the NDACAN staff and members of the Cornell faculty. During the week there is one presentation on research methodology, statistics, secondary analysis, or data management, but the Institute consists primarily of unstructured, self-guided computing sessions for hands-on work with the datasets. Participants do brief presentations of their current research with Archive data and receive feedback from the other participants. The expectation is that each participant’s work will result in a conference paper, journal article, or other publication.
Schedule and Accommodations
The Institute will begin on Monday evening (6/9) with an opening orientation/dinner and will conclude at 1PM on Friday (6/13). Presentations and computing sessions will be held Tuesday through Friday. Participants will stay in private rooms at the Cornell University Statler Hotel for four nights. The Archive pays for the hotel room (4 nights and parking) and most meals; Participants are responsible for their travel expenses, two dinners, and any hotel extras (e.g. room service, early departure fee, late check-out fee). Please see this Sample Agenda (PDF) and contact the Archive with any questions.
Diversity Scholarships
NDACAN is offering three scholarships to cover the domestic travel fares for two minority participants and one graduate student. It is hoped that these scholarships will promote a diverse array of applicants who would otherwise be unable to attend the Institute.
Selection of Participants
The Archive encourages applications from advanced graduate students, post-docs, faculty, and other researchers. Applicants are rated based on the quality of their proposal, their research background, and the intention to publish their findings. In addition to these criteria, applicants are selected in order to achieve some balance of datasets being represented. The Archive will give preference to researchers who have obtained and examined their intended dataset from our datasets list prior to applying to the Institute. The Archive will accept 12-15 applicants.
SRI Supported Datasets
The Summer Research Institute supports participants working with the datasets listed below. If you want to use a different dataset than these, please contact NDACANSupport@cornell.edu before applying so that we can advise you regarding its suitability to the event.
NCANDS CAF; SDC; State Level
#162 Second National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (NJOV-2)
#135 National Juvenile Online Victimization Incidence Study (N-JOV-1)
#159 Second Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS-2)
#134 First Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS-1)
#126 Developmental Victimization Survey (DVS), 2002-2003
#117 Adolescent Outcome of Physically Abused Schoolchildren
#112 Social Relationships of Physically Abused Schoolchildren
#110 Longitudinal Pathways to Resilience in Maltreated Children
#100 Physical Abuse Treatment Outcome Project: Application of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) to Physically Abusive Parents
#161 Multi-Site Evaluation of Foster Youth Programs (Chafee Independent Living Evaluation Project), 2001-2010
#171 National Youth in Transition Database – Outcomes File, FY2011
#174 National Youth in Transition Database – Services File, FY2011
Application Instructions
Download the official SRI 2014 Application (PDF) and fill it out electronically. Type or paste your responses directly into the boxes.
E-mail your completed SRI 2014 Application (PDF) and a recent CV as attachments to NDACAN@cornell.edu. Please title your attachments beginning with your last name (Example: Jones-App.pdf, Jones-CV.doc).
Application Deadline
Applications and CVs must be received on or before January 31, 2014.
SRI Information on the NDACAN Website
Summer Research Institute General information
Summer Research Institute 2014 Announcement and Information
Apply to the 2014 Summer Research Institute (SRI)
Contact Us
Please direct questions about the Institute to Andres Arroyo (E-mail: NDACAN@cornell.edu, Phone: 607-255-7799).
Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status by March 7, 2014. We look forward to receiving your application.Sincerely,
Andres Arroyo, Archiving Assistant
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN)
Cornell University, Beebe Hall -BCTR, Ithaca NY 14853
Telephone: 607-255-7799 | Fax: 607-255-8562 | http://www.ndacan.cornell.edu
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