Public Group active 2 months ago

GC Humanidades Digitales

Este grupo es un espacio colaborativo para mejorar los recursos, información, y la comunidad en torno a las humanidades digitales en español en el Graduate Center y en CUNY.

Inspired by conversations from a joint Mina Rees Library / GC Digital Initiatives conversation on March 23, 2018, this group is a collaborative endeavor to improve the resources, information, and community around humanidades digitales at the CUNY Graduate Center and beyond.


FW: Latino Data Project Fellowships

  • Hi Lisa!

    Below may be of interest for the Humanidades Digitales group…might we post it?

    Thank you!


    From: CLACLS-GC <>
    Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 2:26 PM
    To: Cho, J. Silvia <>
    Subject: Latino Data Project Fellowships


    CLACLS / LDP Fellowship 2019-2020

    View this email in your browser(


    Latino Data Project Fellowships 2019-2020

    The Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies is pleased to offer Graduate Student Fellowships for the 2019 ‐ 2020 Academic Year in the amount of $5,000 each. Fellows will be expected to work approximately 2‐4 hours per week during the Fall and Spring semesters, and to produce a report for the Latino Data Project [](

    The Fellows must be full time students at the Graduate Center. Their primary responsibilities will be to produce a Latino Data Project report along with other duties as requested by the Director of Research. Sophisticated proficiency of SPSS and Excel is required, as well as experience working independently with quantitative data analysis. Training in studying Latin America and/or Latino experiences from a social scientific framework, and experience in carrying out research projects is highly desirable.

    1. A 1-page, single spaced, cover letter (including name, department of study, academic level, email address, and brief description of SPSS proficiency and experience working with quantitative data)

    2. Academic CV

    3. A research/writing sample, in which the candidate is the first, if not sole, author. This sample must demonstrate the candidate’s skills in both quantitative data analysis and written communication.

    Please submit applications and/or any inquiries to the CLACLS Director of Research, Sebastián Villamizar Santamaría, at<> and cc the CLACLS Administrative Director, Karen Okigbo, at<>.

    Monday, April 29, 2019

    Decisions will go out May 15, 2019.






    Indigenous New York Series: Spring 2019 Workshop

    April 9, 6 – 9pm



    Grassroots Politics in Venezuela

    May 9, 6 – 9pm



    The Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies works to promote the study and understanding of Latin American and Caribbean cultures and the communities established in the United States by peoples from this vast and extraordinarily diverse region with a special focus on the New York City metropolitan area, and more broadly on the United States.


    DONATE NOW: The core mission of CLACLS is to actively support and advance the study of Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latinos in the U.S. in the doctoral programs of the Graduate Center, and to provide opportunities for doctoral students at the Ph.D. level.If you would like to support these efforts, click below and select: Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies (CLACLS) in the designation field.

    Donate [](





    Our mailing address is:
    Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies
    The Graduate Center, CUNY
    365 Fifth Avenue, room 5419
    New York, NY 10016-4309

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    Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies.

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