Instructional Designer - Center for Online Learning, Hunter College
Public Group active 4 months, 1 week ago
The Commons group for Professor Teeple’s Fall 22 section of MUSIC 1, or “Exploring Music,” which meets MW 10:30am – 11:45am at Queens College, Music Building, Room 263. All members of the class should make a Commons profile and join this group. All blogs and course content can be found over on our Commons site: https://expmusfall22.commons.gc.cuny.edu/
Instructional Designer - Center for Online Learning, Hunter College
I am South Korean, first year in college, and enjoy music a lot.
Hi, my name is Anand and I'm a student at Queens College
My name is Despina and I am a Psychology major at Queens College.
math is hard, engineering is cool, designing is great
Hi, my name is Fiza and I’m a freshman studying psychology.
Take Me to the Top
Economics major at QueensCollege, enjoys Trading a lot
freshman at Queens College
Current qc student
Hello my name is Adriana and I am a Psychology major at Queens College.