Public Group active 5 years, 7 months ago


A place to share ideas and best practices on planning, piloting, implementing, and/or assessing ePortfolios.


Education E-Portfolios

  • As Howard Wach as indicated at CAT, we are piloting Digication at BCC this semester. The Education Dept, of which I am a member, is involved with a Title V funded project that will, in short order, have every Liberal Arts Education option) and Education Associate using an e-portfolio.

    I am piloting one section, Early Childhood Education, this semester. It is a Writing Intensive, web-enhanced (Bb) section. All full-time Education faculty will pilot a section for Fall 09 and I will take all four sections I teach live to e-portfolio that semester. The following semester, Spring ’10, adjuncts come on board as FT add more sections on as well.

    It is an ambitious undertaking, but quite exciting. Students are reacting VERY positively.

    As a Department we are very interested in the transferability (Lehman in particular since that is where most of our graduates go) so the Digication export feature is very important.

    We are also concerned with employment enhancement so a unique URL providing external access is very important.

    We are also very interested in the Assessment features that Digication is building and we are alpha/beta testing at this time as our students must demonstrate attainment of NCATE Standards.

    We are also mindful of the social connections that an e-portfolio offers (discussions, messaging, networking).

    It is not a course management system, nor is it intended to be, but there are some CMS features that are available.

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