Jordi Getman-Eraso and I have been co-directing BCC’s ePortfolio project for the better part of 2 years now. We presented our work at the Sloan-C Conference on Online Learning in October. The presentation is attached in the next message, in compressed pdf format. (Point of information for Commons users: full presentation/printing pdf format–and Pptx format–both exceeded the 2mb attachment limit. I discovered this only after posting my original message. Going back in to edit my message–as I’m doing now–eliminates the file upload function. Hence the second message.)
Howard — Thanks for sharing the slides from your Sloan presentation. Clearly a model for us, especially in terms of the incredible progress of BCC in such a short time. Perhaps you would also share with us how students were instructed. I note some slight variations in the individual tabs. Does each ePortfolio arrive to the individual student with your template? Thanks, and thanks again for sharing. Barbara
“How students were instructed” is a big topic. It could mean introductions to the software, or peer-to-peer help with certain e-p tasks, or (most importantly in my mind) integration into courses. The template question is an easier one. We offer a standard academic template (it’s loaded into the setup menus), and most students use it. Some alter it as they see fit, and others create their own templates. We don’t police it too closely. Same applies to banners.
I know this is a big topic. Sarah Morgano will be working on a student resource site for the CUNY Online — we would appreciate your input. Perhaps her site could draw on the work of others with more experience and model for those with less. Thanks.
The publicly available site for our project is: This allows access to all BCC portfolios that permit public access.